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It doesn't matter how great your product is. If your customer service is poor, people will complain about the product and you will lose customers. However, transforming your customer service from mediocre to great won't happen overnight. It requires a serious commitment to meaningful change. Let's find out what customer service is!

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1. What is customer service?

Customer service là gì?
What is customer service?

Customer service is the act of providing support to both potential and existing customers. Customer service professionals typically respond to customer inquiries through face-to-face interactions, phone, email, chat, and social media, and may also be responsible for creating documentation to support self-service service. Customer service is the act of providing empathetic, timely assistance that puts the needs of the customer first in every interaction.

Customer service is the support provided to customers before, during, and after a purchase. An organization that wants to provide fault-free customer service will invest as much money into it as they do in aspects like product development or product sales and marketing. Organizations that provide spectacular customer service tend to be more popular among their clientele than their competitors.

For example, using a customer service survey, a brand can rate the level of service a customer receives when interacting with them. Taking this survey is beneficial for customer retention as well as for identifying service areas that need improvement.

2. Principles of good customer service

There are four key principles of good customer service: It's personalized, authoritative, convenient, and proactive. These factors have the biggest impact on customer experience.

Principles of good customer service

Personalization: Good customer service always starts with human contact. Personalized interactions greatly improve customer service and let customers know that your company cares about them and their problems. Instead of seeing service as an expense, see it as an opportunity to monetize your client's business again.
Competency: Consumers have identified competence as the factor that plays the biggest role in a good customer experience. To be competent, a customer support specialist must have a solid knowledge of the company and its products, as well as the ability to fix customer problems. The more knowledge they have, the more competent they become.
Convenience: Customers want to be able to contact a customer service representative through whichever channel is most convenient for them. Provide support through the communication channels your customers rely on the most, and make it easy for them to figure out how to contact you.
Proactive: Customers want the company to be proactive in reaching out to them. If one of your products is pre-ordered or your website is about to experience downtime, proactively contact the customer and explain the problem. They may not be happy about the situation, but they will be grateful that you kept them on track.
By building your customer service strategy around these four key principles, you will create a positive, hassle-free customer experience for everyone who deals with your company.

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3. Importance of Good Customer Service

Customers report their problems with the expectation of being resolved and satisfied again each time. To last the test of time, it is the level of customer service that an organization should strive to be able to provide to a group of customers.

The importance of good customer service

Fast Response Time: Reports show that 3/4 of customers expect a response within five minutes of their online query. With an increase in the number of organizations focused on providing outstanding customer service, each organization is trying to prioritize customer touchpoints to create a holistic customer experience.
Effectively manage customer problems: The way an organization solves customer problems and creates a better customer experience  is what determines the success or failure of the organization.
Provide adequate customer service: Provide competent and timely customer service in addition to providing technologically advanced products and services that help the organization ensure success. Connecting with your target audience on multiple levels builds a far-reaching customer experience.
Every customer service counts: Delivering products and services that don't match the customer's experience is the key to reduced sales, and customers may end up spreading the word.

This bad experience for their contacts can damage their reputation in the market. Satisfied customers are always the source of better business, so focus on developing a pleasant experience for your customers every time they hit a product hurdle so they stay loyal to the organization.
4. Tips to improve Customer service skills

Tips to improve Customer service skills

Employees are an integral part of customer service. Customer-facing teams such as customer service or sales teams should receive regular training to hone their customer satisfaction skills. Factors such as their ability to communicate, work principles, subject expertise, problem-solving skills, etc., should be analyzed periodically.
Keep all employees engaged. “When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to give.” - Simon Sinek. Unless, and until, employees are valued, respected, and engaged, they will be less likely to reach their full potential. Dissatisfied employees may not talk about their dissatisfaction openly and as a result, management can send online surveys using employee satisfaction. This way, employees' identities can be preserved, allowing them to give honest and unambiguous feedback.
An organization must strive to provide a great customer experience at every touchpoint. Develop a 360-degree view of areas of customer service that are performing well and areas for improvement. This will make it easier for managers to fix blemishes and keep customers happy at every touchpoint.
Building trusting relationships with customers depends on developing excellent internal customer service skills. Representatives can be trained to ask the right questions to find common concerns with customers, or to understand customer issues proactively and resolve them in real time or on a regular basis. customers even if their problem has been solved. This can also help with continuous improvement of products and services.
Send satisfaction surveys to a target group of customers with whom they can share their experiences with the organization. The feedback received from these surveys can be used to plan to improve the customer experience the next time they purchase from an organization.
Hopefully the above knowledge will help you understand what customer service is   and understand how to best implement customer service.

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