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In freight, DEM and DET are two very common local charges. However, for those new to import and export, the distinction between DEM and DET can often be difficult. In this article, Giaiphapdonggoi.net will provide information about DEM and What is DET? help you learn about this issue.

1. What is DEM?
DEM (demurrage charge) is the fee for storing containers at the yard (port) collected by a shipping company (shipping line). The nature of this fee is that the port will charge shipping lines. Next, the shipping line will collect from the customer and build at the port according to a separate agreement. DEM fee is charged per container unit.

What is DEM?

Each shipping line will have a policy of free time when storing containers at the yard for customers. If this free period is exceeded, the shipping line will start charging and charging customers.

For imported goods:

Usually the shipping company will give you a certain time for you to prepare the means of towing the container to the warehouse. The time depends on the shipping company about 1-7 days for dry containers and 1-3 days for refrigerated containers. You will get absolutely free DEM for the time being.
The DEM fee is calculated from the payment due date to the date you pick up the item.
DEM fee is charged in money/day/container (depending on container type and size).
For export goods:

You can only bring the packed container to the port before a specified time, usually about 1-7 days for dry containers and 1-3 days for refrigerated containers. You will get a completely free DEM fee during this time. If you bring the  Container too early, the shipping company will charge from the day you bring it to the day the train runs minus the number of days that are free.
For export goods, it is very rare to have to pay a DEM fee. In case you drop the goods due to slow customs clearance and have to go to the next trip or some other reason.
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2. What is DET?
DET (Detention) is the fee for storing containers at warehouses built for shipping lines. This fee you pay for the shipping company. Similar to the DEM fee, the DET fee also has a free policy to store the container for a period of time (or several days). The DET fee is charged per day and depends on the type and size of the container.

What is DET?

For imported goods: DET fee is charged from the date of out-of-stock delay compared to the free period.

For export goods: The DET fee is calculated from the date the shipping line allows you to pick up the container compared to the date you pick up the container. In case if you get it earlier you will have to pay the fee. If you pick it up later, you won't be charged this DET.

What is the hosting fee?

Storage fee is the fee for storing containers at the port that customers pay directly at the port (not through shipping lines). This is a separate fee from the DEM fee, so it is easy to cause confusion and controversy. You can simply understand that in case the port is storing your goods, the free DEM period has expired. You now have to pay the container storage fee directly to the port, which is called the storage fee.

3. Key points about DEM and DET

Key points about DEM and DET

When packing at the yard will not be charged DET.
DEM and DET Fees, Storage Fees are calculated based on the number of days delayed, the type and size of the container. Normally, refrigerated containers often have a much higher fee than other types of containers.
DEM and DET free periods will be charged for holidays, Saturdays and Sundays. Only in exceptional cases can customers be flexible.
DEM and DET fees have different rates depending on different shipping lines.
DEM and DET can be renewed for free in the following cases: shipping lines have adopted free and strong customer policies such as monthly volume, relationship with shipping lines, etc.
When placing an order, please note that regardless of the terms of this provision. DEM and DET free time at loading and unloading ports should always be made clear.
Some shipping lines will combine the time to charge the DEM and the DET fee. When they are combined it is called Free Time (Combined free days demurrage; detention). Because separating DEM and DET will be inconvenient and sometimes unfair to customers. When shipping lines allow Free Time to pool, it helps you balance the shipping process more smoothly.
Above is some information about DEM and DET that Giaiphapdonggoi.net provides you. Hopefully with the above information you will have a more comprehensive view of DEM and DET.

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