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Coffee intoxication is a condition that many people probably suffer from when drinking coffee. Coffee is a delicious and flavorful beverage. However, sometimes it is the rich flavor that also makes people fall in love with the rich scent. In the article below, let's join giaphapdonggoi.net to learn about what is coffee intoxication and its manifestations!

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1. What is coffee intoxication?

What is drunk coffee?

Coffee intoxication is a condition that occurs when a person drinks too much coffee resulting in increased caffeine content and exceeding the body's average allowable caffeine limit, which leads to conditions and symptoms. present dire consequences. This is rare but not unheard of, with some people new to coffee or using coffee for a long time can lead to coffee intoxication.

2. Expressions of being drunk with coffee

Like all kinds of allergies, … Coffee intoxication also manifests a number of outward manifestations to help the sufferer know he is being coffee intoxicated so that he can take timely measures to deal with, specifically some symptoms. The manifestation of this phenomenon is as follows:

Worrying, restless for no reason
Excessive excitement or nervousness
Heart beat fast
Stomach nauseous
Hands shaking or sweating a lot
Shortness of breath or shortness of breath
Muscle twitching
Digestive disturbances, nausea or abdominal pain
Psychological excitement
Depending on each person's body and the level of coffee used, the expression of coffee intoxication can be clearly different. However, in general, most of the first coffee intoxication manifests outwardly to help the sufferer realize that he or she is intoxicated.


3. Find out what causes coffee intoxication

Understanding what is coffee intoxication, but few people are interested in finding out the cause of this phenomenon. Many people believe that this condition is caused by drinking too much coffee leading to drunkenness. However, there are actually many different causes of this phenomenon than just drinking a lot of coffee, here are some typical causes:
+ Caffeine in coffee makes the body strongly stimulated
Caffeine is a substance in coffee, when consumed in the body, if it exceeds the allowable limit of the body, it can lead to the state of the body's organs falling into a state of fatigue, irritation and loss of control. Imagine we are playing a roller coaster game. This substance too much also causes the body to feel half-drunk and half-quiet as when circling a vortex.
+ Characteristic bitter taste of coffee
According to many studies, the bitter taste of coffee is also one of the causes of coffee intoxication. Many people do not adapt to the bitter taste of coffee and so the first time drinking will easily lead to coffee intoxication.
The influence of heredity
Genetics is also a cause of coffee intoxication. This impact on the body's ability to respond to caffeine may be hereditary.
There are many other factors that can affect your body's defenses against caffeine.

4. The fastest way to deal with coffee intoxication

Understanding what causes this problem helps the body to react and we can find useful solutions to solve the problem of coffee intoxication when it occurs.
Drink lots of water every day
Water is a powerful tool in solving all problems. When the body drinks a lot of water, it helps to dilute the caffeine in the body to help limit or reduce the phenomenon of coffee intoxication

Eat more carbs
Starch is a substance that, when ingested, helps the amount of caffeine in the body to be saturated. Therefore, please add starch by eating a lot of rice or starchy foods such as cassava, potatoes, ... every meal!

Drink honey lemon water
Honey lemon water is the fastest natural remedy for sickness, not only solves the problem of coffee intoxication, it also helps to cure alcohol extremely well. Making a glass of lemonade is also very simple with just a little honey, a little sugar and a lemon, you will have a delicious and nutritious honey lemonade right away. Apply this recipe immediately when drunk with coffee
Drink ginger tea
Ginger has long been considered a folk remedy for curing many diseases. The use of ginger helps to warm the body, regulate body temperature and help the amount of caffeine in the body to be best saturated.
Practice breathing
For mild symptoms like headaches and dizziness, proper breathing is also a small but powerful remedy.
>> The above useful information will surely help us have more experience in dealing with coffee intoxication. Protect your body in the simplest and easiest ways. If you have any questions, please contact us via hotline 0911 904 968

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