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E-commerce (electronic commerce) is the buying and selling of goods, products or services over the internet. Let's join Giaiphapdonggoi.net to learn in detail what E-commerce is, advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce and its types.

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1. What is E-commerce?

What is E-commerce?

E-commerce is fully written as Electronic Commerce and Vietnamese is electronic commerce which is the buying and selling of goods or services through the internet, and the transfer of money and data to complete the sale. It is also known as e-commerce or internet commerce.

E-commerce is a business model that allows companies and individuals to buy and sell things over the internet.

E-commerce, which can be conducted on a computer, tablet or smartphone can be thought of as a digital version of mail-order catalog shopping. Almost anything can be purchased through e-commerce today, including books, music, airline tickets, and financial services like stock investing and online banking. As such, it is considered a very disruptive technology.

2. Advantages and disadvantages of E - Commerce (e-commerce)

Advantages and disadvantages of E - Commerce (e-commerce)

The advantages that e-commerce brings to consumers such as:

The first is convenience: E-commerce can happen 24 hours a day and seven days a week.
The second is increased selection: Many stores offer a wider range of products online than they offer at their brick-and-mortar counterparts. And many stores that exist only online can offer consumers exclusive inventory not available elsewhere.
E-commerce includes the following disadvantages:

Limited customer service: If you're buying a computer online, you can't ask staff to demonstrate the features of a particular model in person. And while some sites allow you to chat online with employees, this is not a typical practice.
Lack of instant gratification: When you buy an item online, you have to wait for it to be shipped to your home or office. However, retailers like Amazon make the wait a little less long by offering same-day delivery as an option on certain products.
Do not touch the product: Online images don't necessarily show the entirety of an item, so making an e-commerce purchase can be frustrating when the product received doesn't match your expectations. consumers. An item of clothing, for example, may be made of inferior fabric than its online image suggests.
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3. Types of e-commerce

As the trade continues to grow, follow the ways it is conducted. The following are the traditional types of e-commerce models:

Types of e-commerce

Business to Consumer (B2C) - Business to consumer: B2C e-commerce is the most popular e-commerce model. Business-to-consumer means that buying and selling takes place between a business and a consumer, like when you buy a rug from an online retailer.
Business to Business (B2B) - Business to Business: B2B e-commerce refers to a business that sells goods or services to another business, like a manufacturer and wholesaler, or a wholesaler and Retailers. Business-to-business e-commerce is not consumer-oriented and typically involves products such as raw materials, software, or products that are put together. Manufacturers also sell directly to retailers through B2B e-commerce.
Direct to Consumer (D2C) - Direct to Consumer: Direct-to-consumer e-commerce is the newest e-commerce model, and trends in this category are constantly changing. D2C means a brand is selling directly to their end customers without going through a retailer, distributor or wholesaler. Subscriptions are a popular D2C item and social selling through platforms like InstaGram, Pinterest, Facebook, SnapChat, etc. are popular platforms for direct-to-consumer selling.
Consumer to Consumer (C2C) - Consumer to Consumer: C2C e-commerce refers to the sale of goods or services to other consumers. Consumer-to-consumer sales take place on platforms such as eBay, Etsy, Fivver, etc.
Consumer to Business (C2B) - Consumer to Business: A consumer to business is when an individual sells their services or products to a business organization. C2B includes influencers providing visibility, photography

expert, consultant, freelance writer, etc.

4. Benefits of E - Commerce (e-commerce)

Benefits of E - Commerce (e-commerce)

Obviously online commerce offers a lot of benefits. Let's look at some of the biggest ones.

Convenience: Online commerce makes purchases simpler, faster and less time consuming, allows for 24-hour sales, fast shipping, and easy returns.
Personalization and customer experience: E-commerce marketplaces can create rich user profiles that allow them to personalize the products offered and make recommendations for other products they might like feel excited. This improves the customer experience by making shoppers feel understood on a personal level, increasing brand loyalty.
Global marketplace: Customers from all over the world can easily shop on e-commerce sites - companies are no longer limited by geographical or physical barriers.
Minimized costs: Since there is no longer a requirement to have a physical item, digital sellers can open online stores with minimal startup and operating costs.

5. Some of the top e-commerce companies

Some of the top e-commerce companies

Alibaba: Launched in 1999, Chinese Company Alibaba is by far the world's most successful e-commerce company and retailer, hosting B2B (Alibaba.com), C2C (Taobao.com) marketplaces ) and the largest B2C (Tmall) globally. Their online profits have surpassed all US retailers - including Walmart and Amazon - combined since 2015.
Amazon: Amazon is the largest e-commerce retailer in the United States, and has changed the face of retail so much that the burning question for most retailers is how to beat Amazon.
Walmart: Once the leading retailer in the United States, Walmart has focused strongly on their online business, with great results, offering brick-and-mortar retail as well as delivery service. grocery shopping and subscriptions.
eBay: One of the first e-commerce sites, eBay still dominates the digital marketplace space, allowing businesses and individuals to sell their products online.
Wayfair: This home decor e-tailer is a door-to-door delivery person who barely carries any inventory. They manage suppliers, orders, and fulfillment, and credit their success with personalization – meaning they study how their customers interact with and deliver the products they value. believe that consumers want the most.
Above Giaiphapdonggoi.net we have given some information for you to better understand what is E-Commerce? Hope this article will bring you the best information.

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