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The use of email in your marketing efforts to promote your business' products and services and encourage customer loyalty. Email marketing is a form of marketing that can make customers on your email list aware of new products, discounts and other services. In this article, let's learn about Email marketing with Giaiphapdonggoi.net!

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1. What is Email Marketing?

Ưu và nhược điểm của Email Marketing
What is email marketing?

Email Marketing is a powerful marketing channel, a form of direct marketing that uses email to promote a business' products or services. It keeps customers aware of your latest items or offers by integrating it into your marketing automation efforts. And it also plays an important role in marketing strategy with lead generation, brand awareness, relationship building or customer retention between purchases through various types of Email Marketing. difference.

Email Marketing is when you send a commercial email to 'email subscribers' - contacts who have subscribed to your email list and given express permission to receive email notifications from you.

Email Marketing is used to inform, drive sales, and build community around your brand (e.g. with newsletters).

Modern email marketing has moved away from one-size-fits-all mass messages and instead focuses on consent, segmentation, and personalization.

Email Marketing can include company updates or promotions, discounts and subscription-specific deals. At best, email marketing allows businesses to keep customers informed and tailor marketing messages to their audience. At worst, this type of marketing can drive customers away with constant annoying spam emails.

2. Advantages and disadvantages of Email Marketing

Just like any other marketing channel, email marketing has pros and cons.

Advantages and disadvantages of Email Marketing

Các chiến lược Email Marketing

Advantages of Email Marketing

Permission-based email: When a customer trusts you with their email address, it's the equivalent of you being handed their house keys. Gaining access instead of uninvited impressions increases your chances of engagement and conversion.
Helps you reach your audience directly: You can communicate directly with subscribers about their schedule. Also, since people check their email daily, your email is likely to be viewed.
Gives You More Control: With most other marketing platforms, you don't own the platform. If the foundation ceases to exist, all your hard work will sink with it. With email, you own the relationships you build with your subscribers.
More personalization possibilities: You can use demographic or psychographic data to create personalized and hyper-targeted campaigns.
Measurable: Measuring the effectiveness of a marketing campaign is crucial, and automated email marketing makes it easy to measure campaigns.
Scalable: Email marketing campaigns can scale without straining your resources or sacrificing quality.
Disadvantages of Email Marketing

Fierce competition: Standing out in a cluttered inbox can be a challenge. You have to be creative to make sure your emails get noticed and open.
You need an email list: With Email Marketing, you must have an email list for your campaigns to be effective.
Difficult rules and regulations to navigate: There are many rules governing the commercial use of email. Unfortunately, some subscribers also report your email as spam even if they have subscribed to the list. As a result, your sender reputation suffers.
Delivery and deliverability issues: Delivery of your email to recipients' inboxes is not guaranteed. To run effective Email Marketing campaigns, you have to face deliverability and delivery issues.
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3. Email Marketing Strategies

Effective email marketing takes effort. Here are some strategies to get the most out of your email marketing campaigns.

Email Marketing Strategies

Build your own list: All you would do by sending an unsolicited email is turn most of the people you hope to become customers. Whether through your website, in your store, or at an event, make it clear when customers choose to receive your emails.
By law: Email marketers must comply with the rules of the CAN-SPAM Act. These rules include having a non-deceptive subject line, providing a clear way to unsubscribe, and including your name and address.

you at the bottom of the email.
Mix your messages: Don't just send ads to buy all the time. Use email to build relationships with customers by sharing your expertise or that of others, giving them tips and insights they might appreciate. Share information that lets them know more about you and your company.
Respect your subscribers: Treat your listings well. Remember that the people you are communicating with have trusted you to provide their information, they deserve your respect. If you want the chance to transform them from customers into fans and even evangelists of your brand, then make them feel special.
Stick to a schedule: Stick to a schedule if you're working on a newsletter. Sending out an email on the same day (or several days) each week helps your subscribers know what to expect from you and when.
Mobile optimization: Studies by marketing analysts with the company Litmus have consistently found that less than half of emails are opened on mobile devices. That means, if your emails don't display properly on mobile platforms, half of your audience will think you don't know how to properly craft an email.
Through this article, we hope you have understood what Email marketing is and what are the advantages and disadvantages of Email marketing. From there towards building a perfect email marketing strategy.

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