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We are living in the 4.0 era and the term "Gen Z" has become too familiar to young people. We seem to be talking about Gen Z every day. So what is Gen Z? Are we a genuine Gen Z? Let's find out specifically what this phrase that we often talk about every day through the article below and discover if we are one.

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Definition of Gen Z? What is Gen Z like?

Gen Z (generation Z) is called generation Z - sometimes also called Zoomers, is a phrase to refer to people born between 1995 and 2012 (according to research by Pew Research Center). , which may differ by a few years depending on different viewpoints.
This is a new generation that is changing the world, a progressive, dynamic and colorful generation.

Why are we called Gen Z?

Currently, in the world Gen Z accounts for about a quarter of the total population. In Vietnam in particular, Gen Z accounts for about 25% of the nation's workforce. We have to believe that Gen Z is booming and asserting its position in the total population.
Gen Z is a successor generation of generation Millennials (also known as Gen Y) and was born before generation Alpha and most of them are the children of generation X (the generation of people born into the world). from 1965 to 1979).

Vì sao chúng ta gọi là Gen Z
>>> The reason for the name Gen Z is that the group of people after Gen Y (millennials) should be called generation Z (or Gen Z).

Are we a genuine Gen Z?

Gen Z is a later generation and is the first generation to receive the development of modern technology from an early age. As the first generation to grow up in the Internet and the miraculous developments of digital and electronic, not only that, members of Generation Z are also known as the "new citizens of the digital age".

Because they were born in the era of digital technology, Gen Z also has new and innovative changes in fashion style and their thinking is also more advanced than previous generations. If in the past, the girls wore "closed gates", today we can't help but see confident girls wearing short skirts, shoulder slits, which are complementary ways. Unique, creative and eye-catching events. Gen Z men also brought home quite comfortable and spacious clothes, such as sneakers and streetwear. Young people are dynamic and confident to express themselves more than the previous generation.

Active Gen Z

If you are really a genuine Gen Z, please rate yourself to see how many characteristics and personality characteristics of a generation Z below!

1. Citizens of the Internet Age
This we can easily observe right around us, young people always have their own smartphone or a laptop. And everywhere they are found surfing their phones from coffee shops to shopping malls. Young people can't seem to live far from their phones or a day without internet, without surfing Facebook, Tiktok, ..

2. The Generation That Doesn't Like Rules
The characteristics of Gen Z are young people, they like to do what they like and like to be creative, difficult to follow the rules set out by the organization. Managers will find it very difficult to force them to adhere to rigid standards at work. Gen Z always appreciates their creativity and personality in all activities. This is a characteristic to identify a Gen Z.

3. New trend leader
As a generation born in the era of a series of digital devices, approaching new trends is obvious for a Gen Z. Young people often surf tiktok, post pictures online or Viral sayings also create social "shocks".

4. Have your own personal opinion
Making up a quarter of the world's population, the workforce is largely Gen Z, who like to be creative on their personal thoughts and logic. Willing to fight to protect personal views, boldly expressing their opinions and contributions to society. Gen Z is dynamic, intelligent and brave.

>>> With the above characteristics, it has been confirmed that Gen Z is a potential generation and full of opportunities in the future. If you are a genuine Gen Z, don't hesitate to express yourself! The article certainly helped us understand and answer questions about Gen Z - a potential generation.

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