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Currently, there are many types of accounting, and each type of accountant will have different specific jobs, such as cash accounting, sales accounting, debt accounting, etc. It is impossible not to mention that it is warehouse accounting. Warehouse accountant in the business is an extremely important position, having an accurate inventory management role to avoid the risk of loss for the business. An inventory accountant is an accountant who knows what he or she needs to do to be able to manage a business's inventory most effectively. So what is inventory accounting? What does a warehouse accountant do? Let's find out with Giaiphapdonggoi.net right here!

Công việc cần phải làm của kế toán kho
1. What is inventory accounting?

Warehouse accountant, also known as inventory tracking accountant (English is Warehouse Accountant) is a person who performs work at the warehouse, is responsible for controlling the situation of goods in and out, inventory control, planning Report to management on the working process at the warehouse. This is a much smaller concept than the accounting concept, because right from the name it clearly defines the scope of this accountant's work. It is in the warehouses of companies and businesses.

Kế toán kho là gì?

What is inventory accounting?

Warehouse accounting in enterprises has a very important role in the management and supply of goods for production and business activities of enterprises, specifically:

Ensure goods are always sufficient to serve the business needs of the business.
Provide enough raw materials and materials for production parts.
Quality monitoring of tools in production.

2. Must-do jobs of warehouse accountants

In general, the job of a warehouse accountant is not as complicated as general accounting, tax accounting, etc., but on the contrary, it also requires specific requirements for this position. While bank accountants, tax accountants, general accountants are confused in numbers and tax papers, warehouse accountants are also overwhelmed with piles of papers, invoices, vouchers, ... sometimes not even. For some, the warehouse accountant is still willing to share manual work, loading and unloading goods with employees in a warehouse.

Must-do jobs of warehouse accountants

Specific work of warehouse accountant will be divided by day, week and month:

The daily work of the warehouse accountant is as follows:

Regularly check all kinds of invoices, vouchers and papers when importing and exporting goods in the warehouse.
After importing and exporting goods, the warehouse accountant must make vouchers, papers and invoices detailing purchases and declare input and output tax on goods.
Calculating the volume of incoming and outgoing materials, accounting for debt, cost of goods, daily revenue.
Ensure absolute accuracy of vouchers and invoices.
Reconcile debts, import and export goods and solve problems arising in the working area.
Check and arrange the goods in the warehouse neatly, scientifically, clearly classify, the right type, the right size, the right source of goods, ...
The monthly tasks of the warehouse accountant are as follows:

After completing the daily work, the warehouse accountant will also have to summarize the work situation for the month and make a month-end report.
Prepare reports to summarize the situation of import - export - inventory of goods.
Inventory the goods in the warehouse with the storekeeper and warehouse staff.
Reconcile actual inventory   against month-end notebooks and reports.
The warehouse accounting process is usually only encapsulated in the above amount of work, it sounds boring, in fact, the work of warehouse accountants is not limited to certain types of goods and certain things.

In the warehouse accounting process, the warehouse accountant must always ensure that the work is operated smoothly, closely and meticulously at each stage.

3. Job requirements of warehouse accountants

While the workload is not as complicated as other accounting positions, that does not mean that warehouse accountants do not need skills and knowledge to do the job. Even fresh graduates who have not been equipped with basic knowledge from the school chair certainly cannot do it.

Yêu cầu công việc của kế toán kho

Job requirements of warehouse accountant

Some skills required to become a warehouse accountant:

Mastering professional knowledge and with that, having a background in accounting from the time you were in the lecture hall: If you push a fool who doesn't know anything about accounting into this job, you will surely That won't work or it will take a long time to adapt.
Proficient use of office computers: This is not a necessary factor but a sufficient factor to become a warehouse accountant. Office informatics is a tool that can help accountants deal with work, books, accounting for the volume of goods, revenue, debts,...
Using accounting software: Along with office computing, accounting software is also extremely important, it helps accountants solve work easily. If you do not know how to use these software, it is definitely a big shortcoming for the candidate.
Honesty, carefulness and meticulousness: These virtues are not only unique to accountants but anyone who works in the old life

You need this virtue. However, for accountants, it is really important because employers will especially prioritize candidates with these qualities to work. If you are good but careless, the job opportunity is sometimes lower than the average professional candidate but careful, honest and responsible for the job.

4. Notes when doing inventory accounting

Những lưu ý khi làm kế toán kho
Notes when doing inventory accounting

When importing goods

Check details of import and export documents.
Carry out the import and export of goods of relevant individuals.
Receive delivery documents, ship goods, save and transfer to purchasing department.
Import and export goods tracking

Enter your product information, date or time on the shelf.
Automatically enter input and output information into the software.
Monitor daily inventory counts and adjust minimum inventory levels.
Minimum inventory tracking

Guarantee the quality of the goods.
In case there is a change in import and export goods, a request to change the minimum inventory level must be submitted.
Monitor minimum stock levels every day.
Purchase procedure - order from stock

Directly receive and import goods from the warehouse.
Check product information through note cards at store shelves.
Loading goods in the warehouse

Regularly arrange the goods in the warehouse.
Carefully arrange fragile goods.
Map and update information about the location of goods, arising goods.

5. Common mistakes in accounting work

Những sai sót thường gặp trong công việc kế toán kho
Common mistakes in accounting work

The periodic inventory level of goods cannot be determined.
Do not know how to arrange goods and items in a scientific way.
Do not check the goods in stock on a regular basis.
Do not invest time to learn the features of accounting software, procrastinate with learning to improve professional quality.
Warehouse accounting jobs will usually be for new accounting students who have not had much experience. This is a job that does not require much expertise and high capacity, but it still has to ensure accuracy, caution and meticulousness right from the start.

If you are a fresh graduate or you are intending to stick with the warehouse accounting job, after understanding what the concept of warehouse accounting is, you will definitely have a clear direction for your work. from before applying for the positions you want.

Above are the sharing of Giaiphapdonggoi.net about warehouse accounting. Hope the above article will be helpful to you. Good luck!

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