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Layout is one of the most attractive tools in the field of design. Choosing beautiful layouts and making an impression in the eyes of viewers is not an easy thing. Therefore, in the article below, giaphapdonggoi.net will share with you tips to help you choose a beautiful and unique layout.

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1. What is Layout?

Layout is a model of arranging content ideas plus additional decorations and decorations on a publication to create a reasonable and beautiful layout that attracts the attention of viewers.
For example: When students make slides, they will consider the harmonious connection between text and textures to create a beautiful finished slide that can be easily read by viewers.


What is the concept of layout?

2. The importance of Layout in design

Contribute to increase the "easy to see" for the layout
This is also easy to see when looking at an item with everything arranged in a mess whether you want to look or not. Of course that's not true, is it? Therefore, creating a prescribed layout and arranging reasonable layouts will help you to attract the attention of viewers more.

Is the invisible wire connecting the small components in the design
It can be said that the way we arrange the parts in the layout is extremely important, it helps the viewer not to miss any part. The connection between the sections is an invisible rope that helps the content parts to be presented more clearly and in a better overview..
The harmony of layout and content helps readers quickly find the information they need


Increase attraction
The balance between color, form and content will create sympathy in the eyes of customers. For example, when you see billboards on the street, your attraction will naturally be drawn to those with the most prominent colors and clearest content. This shows the importance of arranging the layout in the layout

3. The main rules in the process of designing Layout

Creating a layout can't be done by inertia, mechanics, and clutter. It needs to adhere to certain rules, specifically including:

1. Rule of thirds

This is a fairly common rule in photography, but it is also widely applied in creating a new layout. Helps balance layout and form to attract customers' attention to design publications.

Rule ⅓ is specified as follows: You divide the layout to be designed into 3 rows and 3 columns, taking advantage of the intersection points between rows and columns to place emphasis on it is a smart choice. This helps you to deal with the anxiety of not finding any presentation ideas for your layout


2. Odd number rule

The odd number rule is the rule applied in most layouts to create a highlight to highlight the central object when two intermediate objects are used as the background and pop up the main content of the publication. The odd number rule helps you focus on the important things in your content, avoiding things that are cumbersome and distracting for viewers.

3. The Rule of Balance

Balance becomes an essential element in most compositions. In design, balance is not only a one-sided expression, but also a balance between many elements such as layout, color, arrangement and content. Everything must be matched harmoniously and clearly. Customers will definitely not be interested in products with large differences in layout

White space in the layout is an important factor to help your layout have "breathable" spacing. Make the most of white space!


4. Rule of emphasis

The rule of emphasis aims to focus on the main points of the layout. If a publication has no highlights, only general elements, it is easy for users to skim through without leaving attention to that publication. Focusing on the main content is extremely necessary, Layout really comes into play if we make the layout really standard, attractive and attractive.

5. The Grid System

Grid system is one of the rules used by many designers because of its convenience. Help the designer know which parts need to be placed and which content is appropriate. Using a network system helps to keep the sections and contents neatly organized and streamlined. Thus, it will give the viewer a feeling of not being confused, everything is in a certain layout.

The network system also offers many advantages to finished products and eases the design creation process. When you want to design multiple publications at once, you can rely on built-in networking systems, which help you minimize tools and save time like never before. It's really great to have such a powerful support tool in the design, isn't it?


The above information helps us understand the basic principles of layout design. To create beautiful layouts, it takes a fair amount of effort. If you have any further questions, feel free to  contact me via hotline: 0911 904 968

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