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We often hear the terms management accounting, financial accounting or simply two words accounting. However, if you are not a person in the accounting - finance industry, sometimes it is difficult for you to clearly distinguish these concepts. What is management accounting? What is the role of management accounting in business activities? The following article will analyze and clarify management accounting to help you have the necessary knowledge before diving into the accounting profession.

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1. What is management accounting?

Management accounting is a method of aggregating management reports and accounts to provide timely accurate financial information to business managers so that they can make short-term and long-term decisions. It identifies, examines, interprets, and discloses financial information to enable a business to function toward its goals.

Kế toán quản trị là gì?

What is management accounting?

Management accounting is different from financial accounting. Financial accounting provides financial information to individuals inside and outside the business. On the other hand, management accounting is mainly done to help business managers in decision making.

2. What should management accountants do?

The role of a management accountant combines accounting, finance and management to prepare internal financial statements and provide insight into business performance. The goal is to help senior management use financial information to inform business strategy, as well as contribute to decision making to ensure business growth and long-term success.

Management accounting uses financial and non-financial data to paint a big picture of a business. They can gather information on revenue, cash flow, and outstanding debt to spot trends, gather statistics, write reports that support day-to-day management decision-making, and help guide strategy. strategy and planning.

Kế toán quản trị phải làm những gì?

What should management accountants do?

Experts in the field will oversee the development of accounting procedures and financial policies, as well as the preparation of forecasts, budgets, and risk analysis. They often contribute to efficiency and cost reduction through defining and implementing more efficient processes and strategies and may also be responsible for establishing and maintaining management information systems.

Main responsibility

Prepare monthly management accounts, budgets and forecasts to support business planning.
Provide information on key strategic decisions and develop business strategies to create shareholder value.
Advising on the financial impact of business decisions.
Develop and manage financial systems and policies, and identify opportunities for improvement.
Control and forecast revenue and expenditure, ensure spending in accordance with the budget.
Recommend strategies to reduce costs.
Risk analysis and management.
Negotiate and obtain finance for large projects.
Provide expert opinion on financial matters and advise on how to improve business performance.
Effectively communicate financial data to non-financial managers.

3. Why is management accounting important?

The analysis of business performance and key financial data provided by management accounting is appreciated for its important role in providing information to senior management.

Where financial accounting may focus on preparing reports based on past performance, management accountants prepare, develop, and analyze current financial information and non-financial data. with the goal of enabling informed decision-making. This can help management make decisions now, or use budgets and forecasts to support project evaluations and long-term strategies to ensure stability, growth, and profitability.

4. Role of Management Accountant in decision making process in a business organization

The goal of decision making is to maximize profits through the use of the best alternative. Management accounting helps management in deciding financial affairs. It uses accounting data to solve various management problems.

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Role of Management Accountant in decision making process in a business organization

Every organization must decide at the right time. Management accounting plays an important role in the decision making process in a business organization. The role of management accounting can be presented as follows:

Effective planning
Management accounting plays an important role in making an effective plan, providing the necessary information.

Through capital budgeting, sales budgeting, cost-volume analysis

- Profit, management accounting provides information for planning.

Increase business efficiency
Management accounting also plays an important role in increasing efficiency in business operations through budgeting, ratio analysis, analysis of variance, standard costing, etc.

Effective control
Management accounting implements control of inefficiencies through the JIT philosophy and total quality control system.

Increase labor efficiency
Management accounting helps increase labor efficiency through standard labor valuation, aligning bonuses with productivity and budget.

Achieve effective management
Management accounting contributes significantly to increasing the management efficiency of the organization, providing managers with accurate information.

Help management function
We know that the main function of management is to plan, organize, lead and control management accounting to help management staff perform the right functions, provide necessary accounting information.

To perform functions efficiently and effectively, managers need to communicate with different parties and parts of the organization.

Management accounting helps to prepare various reports in this respect.

Finally, we can say that the activities of management accounting are carried out only to fulfill an important role in the decision-making process in an organization.

5. Ethical Responsibilities of Management Accountants

Management accountants should behave ethically. They must adhere to the highest standards of ethical responsibility and maintain a good professional image.

The Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) has developed the following four professional ethical standards for management accountants:

Trách nhiệm đạo đức của Kế toán quản trị

Ethical Responsibilities of Management Accountants


Maintain an appropriate level of professional competence through the continual development of their knowledge and skills.
Perform its professional duties in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and technical standards.
Prepare complete and unambiguous reports and recommendations following appropriate analyzes of relevant and reliable information.

Do not disclose confidential information obtained in the course of employment unless authorized, unless there is a legal obligation to do so.
Inform subordinates as appropriate about the confidentiality of information obtained in the course of their employment and monitor their activities to ensure that confidentiality is maintained.
Do not use or appear to use confidential information obtained in the course of their employment for unethical or illegal purposes for personal gain or through third parties.

Avoid actual or apparent conflicts of interest and advise all appropriate parties of potential conflicts.
Do not engage in any activity that could affect their ability to perform their duties ethically.
Refuse any gift, favor, or hospitality that could influence or appear to influence their actions.
Avoid actively or passively subvert the achievement of the organization's legitimate and ethical goals.
Identify and communicate technical limitations or other constraints that may preclude responsible judgment or the successful performance of an activity.
Communicate pros and cons and professional judgments or opinions.
Do not participate in or support any activity that may discredit the profession.

Communicate information fairly and objectively.
Full disclosure of all relevant information can be reasonably expected to influence the intended user's understanding of the statements, comments and recommendations presented.

6. The skills required for this role and the career opportunities offered by this role

The skills required for this role and the career opportunities it offers

Management accountants must have excellent numerical and analytical skills, along with a keen attention to detail. Strategic and critical thinking skills are key and these professionals should be highly organized in their approach. Solid commercial awareness, as well as high-level communication and influence, is required.

Any organization with an accounting or finance department can use management accountants, and they are widely employed by financial institutions. With at least five years' experience, these professionals can progress to senior roles such as financial controller, chief financial officer or chief financial officer (CFO).

Management accounting has been playing an important role in business activities of enterprises. All the information that management accounting provides will be a key factor to help managers plan the work of monitoring and operating the business in the most effective way. New trends have formed and require changes, posing great opportunities and challenges for financial accounting.

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