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Mind map is a form of diagram that is frequently used in learning at almost all levels from teachers to students. The reason mind mapping has become so popular is because of its wide and easy application. In the article below, let's learn what a mind map is and how to create a beautiful and logical mind map!

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1. What is a mind map?

Mind map (also known as Mindmap) is understood as a method used to quickly systematize, take advantage of all abilities from hearing, seeing and processing information to present information what we know. in the most systematic and understandable way with high logic.


What is the concept of mind mapping?

In the learning process, the use of mind maps is to use images and colors to create a diagram containing learned information to make it easier to learn, remember and apply.
At work, mind maps are used to analyze reports and present scientific solutions to help others understand more easily their ideas.
>> The method of using mind maps helps learners easily grasp knowledge and absorb it in the most scientific and effective way.

2. Advantages and disadvantages of mind mapping

Taking notes with mind maps brings us benefits in both study and work. Mind maps intelligently record good knowledge that anyone can use and create their own mind maps
First, let's talk about the advantage of using mind maps in teaching, taking notes or reporting work:

All the main medics in the post will be highlighted in the center position
The information in the article will be interrelated with each other
Key concepts are easily noted down for easy memorization
Easily add a lot of useful or missing information to the mind map
Can be created from computer software to make mind mapping easier and more effective

Mind mapping is an effective method of note-taking

+ Mind maps can cause misunderstandings as well as other thoughts for viewers. It depends on the viewer's imagination as well as how to see and understand the problem to be able to absorb the ideas that the mind map conveys.

+ Many images with many words, many colors can confuse the viewer for those who like simplicity or those who create complex mind maps

3. Notes when creating mind maps

With the ease of recording information in study as well as work, creating a mind map is not too strange for many students today. However, a standard mind map should pay attention to the following:
- Use print: Print can make content clearer and easier to read
- Use symbols and pictures: Using symbols and pictures that make sense to you will help you remember more effectively than using words. Make you feel excited about learning and working with that mind map
- Use simple words: Use simple, easy-to-read words to convey meaning more clearly, avoiding clutter.


Notes on creating mind maps

Your mind map is your own property: once you understand how to create mind map notes, you can develop your own rules to make it better.
The above useful sharing will help you create an effective mind map that meets your needs.

4. Is it easy or difficult to create a mind map?

We can see that, now at schools from kindergarten to university, from teachers to students, they can create a mind map and use them widely. So can we draw a conclusion that creating a mind map is no longer a big story for many people?

In addition, the information to write as well as the way to present the mind map is not too restrictive, but mainly relies on the individual's creativity, so you can completely create your own mind map. your personal brand.
Giaiphapdongoi.net has just introduced you to useful information about mind mapping that will surely motivate you to create your own branded mind map. There is also a lot of useful information only here, follow us to learn new knowledge!

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