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This term may be unfamiliar to quite a few people. Perhaps partly because people rarely see and come into contact with it. However, after reading the following article, Giaiphapdonggoi.net believes that it is no longer a difficult problem. Read the full article to better understand what MSDS is!

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1. What is MSDS?

Abbreviation of the phrase Material Safety Data Sheet called chemical safety data sheet. This is a written record of the chemical composition.
The use of msds is to help people who are in contact with or working with chemicals know the ingredients, the level of danger, it's safe to be careful with it as well as know how to avoid and handle it if it accidentally gets stuck. body and skin.
An msds must highlight the following 4 pieces of information:
How does that chemical affect the body if exposed to it in the short and long term
How does it affect or affect when transporting, storing, ..
How to give first aid in an emergency when really exposed to that chemical
How does it affect workers?
With the above information, there are many cases of msds that have saved thousands of human lives from tragic accidents when exposed to chemicals.
The form of an msds can be printed or handwritten, but in any form it must be accurate and in a way that everyone can see and understand. clearly visible and readily available anywhere and the information on chemicals is guaranteed in accordance with the provisions of law.
One thing to note about msds is that each country will have a management unit, for example in Vietnam the msds is managed by a chemical and incident center

2. What does an MSDS include?

For the purpose of warning the danger and creating safety for users, msds. What will be written on the msds version, have you ever wondered? Don't let Giaiphapdonggoi.net explain to you what will be in an msds!
In addition to the available information such as product names, ingredients, names, manufacturing companies, etc., there are also the following important information that you need to pay attention and understand to know how to use them effectively.
Address, information of the person who created that msds
Date of establishment, phone number, fax number...
Product information including name, formula, chemical and other necessary information to help identify the product
List of hazardous ingredients: names of chemicals, concentrations that may be harmful
Analysis of the physical properties of the product (physical properties of the product such as solid state, liquid gas, taste, appearance, weight, pH)
Chemical explosion hazard (high or low)
Reaction conditions of that chemical (in a normal temperature and humidity environment, whether the substance reacts with air or not, at what temperature and humidity conditions does it react)
Toxic properties (What problems will it have on human health)
Precautionary Measures (Ways to avoid the toxicity of chemicals to the human body)
First aid measures (quick first aid in case of accidental contact with chemicals or chemical splashes on people)
That is the information an msds needs to explain to readers about the harmful effects of chemicals

3. Instructions on how to create an msds

In case if exporting or importing a harmful product or service, you need to do msds. To create an msds you first need to be knowledgeable about the chemicals and ingredients of the product
Note that an msds must include all the above items and must be signed and stamped by the company. Because this is a useful source of information for customers, it is required to be careful, accurate and not to falsify even a single symbol. Because it can cause unpredictable consequences that you can't predict
Above Giaiphapdonggoi.net has provided you with information as well as how to create an msds. Surely you have understood and grasped the above knowledge, hoping to bring you many new feelings and knowledge. Please follow our following articles to understand better, in addition to any questions you can also contact us to be answered as soon as possible. Thank you for reading this article

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