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In work and life, we cannot lack relationships to support each other. Especially for those who work in the service sector such as the restaurant - hotel industry, relationship building skills are extremely important. Because that will be a network of potential customers or partners. When applying for a job or going to work officially, we often hear about Networking skills. So what is Networking? Let's find out about them with Giaiphapdonggoi.net!

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1. What is Networking?

Networking, also known as computer networking, is the activity of transporting and exchanging data between nodes over a shared medium in an information system. Networking includes not only the design, construction, and use of networks, but also the management, maintenance, and operation of network infrastructure, software, and policy.

Networking là gì?

What is Networking?

Computer networking allows devices and endpoints to be connected to each other on a local area network (LAN) or to a larger network, such as the internet or a private wide area network (WAN). It is a necessary function for service providers, businesses and consumers around the world to share resources, use or provide services, and communicate. Networking facilitates everything from phone calls to text messaging to streaming video to the Internet of Things (IoT).

The level of skill required to operate a network is directly correlated with the complexity of a given network. For example, a large enterprise may have thousands of nodes and strict security requirements, such as end-to-end encryption, require a dedicated network administrator to monitor the network.

2. The role of networking

Networking is more than simply exchanging information between you and others. It involves establishing relationships with people who will often become your friends and community of colleagues as you progress through your career. They can help you advance your career in many ways, just as you can help them advance. A network contact can result in any of the following:

Vai trò của networking

The role of networking

Insider information about what's happening in your area of interest, such as an organization's expansion plans or new product releases.
Job search advice specific to your area of interest, such as where jobs are often listed.
Advice on your job hunting tools (e.g. resume and/or portfolio).
Names of people to contact for job interviews or possible information.
Follow-up interview and possible job offer.
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3. Types of networking

There are two main types of computer networks: wired networks and wireless networks.

Wired networks require the use of a physical medium for transport between nodes. Copper-based Ethernet cable, popular due to its low cost and durability, is commonly used for digital communications in businesses and homes. Additionally, optical fiber is used to transport data over longer distances and at faster speeds, but it has some tradeoffs, including higher cost and more fragile components.

Các loại networking
Types of networking

Wireless networks use radio waves to transmit data over the network, allowing devices to be connected to the network without any cabling. Wireless LAN is the most common and widely deployed form of wireless networking. Alternatives include microwave, satellite, cellular, and Bluetooth, among others.
As a general rule, a wired network offers greater speed, reliability, and security than a wireless network; Wireless networks tend to offer more flexibility, mobility, and scalability.

It should be noted that these types of networks are related to the physical layer of the network. Networks can also be classified according to how it is built and designed, including approaches including software-defined networking (SDN) or overlay networks. Networks can also be classified by environment and size, such as LAN, campus, WAN, data center network, or storage area network.

4. Components of networking

Computer networks require the use of physical network infrastructure - including switches, routers, and wireless access points - and the firmware that operates that equipment. Other components include the necessary software to monitor, manage, and secure the network.

In addition, networks rely on the use of standard protocols to uniformly perform separate functions or communicate different types of data, regardless of the underlying hardware.

For example, voice over IP (VoIP) can transport IP telephony traffic to any endpoint that supports the protocol. HTTP provides a common way for browsers to display web pages. The internet protocol suite, also known as TCP/IP, is a family of protocols responsible for transporting data and

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