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Paper tape - a convenient product that is known to many people with many useful uses that it serves for customers. To choose the right glue for your use, read the following article and see what advantages and disadvantages this tape has!
What is paper tape? How is the application in practice?

Many types of duct tape have great applications, but what about paper tape? Paper tape is also a type of tape that is marketed in a variety of designs, colors and sizes. Each type will be designed and created by the manufacturer with specific pros and cons. As the name sounds many people will be skeptical about its adhesion. Then let's find the answers to many people's questions in the article below!

1. Paper tape concept

Paper tape is a simple type of tape and is applied in the most areas such as offices, administration, style, .... This type of tape is cheap and has a wide range of uses, so it is very applicable. many places and in many cases.

With simple objects such as paper, inspection envelopes, ... it is not possible to use adhesive tapes such as waterproof tape or medical tape, right? So at this time, the choice of a type of paper tape is very suitable and extremely ideal.


2. Advantages of paper tape

The paper type of tape can be used more simply and is flexible in many cases. With a simple and environmentally friendly design, will the paper tapes bring the real benefits that we have always expected? Here are some lists of the advantages of paper tapes, for reference!

Like other adhesive tapes, this  adhesive tape has extremely high tack.
Stick to many surfaces of wood, paper, plastic, ...
And the outstanding feature is that this tape can withstand the high temperature of the environment
Less damaged due to environmental factors and changes of those agents.
The above advantages are fully deserved for such a commonly used tape. Of course, every thing has two sides: positive and negative. But we can see that this type of paper tape has always received positive feedback from users since being released to the market. This proves that paper tape has been conquering the attention and attracting more and more customers because its advantages outweigh its disadvantages. Why don't you try and see if they really bring the benefits we have listed above?


3. Basic information about paper tape

Many people have used paper tapes, but maybe we simply use them without paying attention to the details of the product we are using. But don't worry, reading all of the information below will help you understand more about the types of paper tape you are using. This can help you when searching and deciding to buy a certain type of paper tape.

Produced from a layer of rubber coated on a layer of paper has super good adhesion and withstands environmental temperature changes up to 80oC.
Many sizes for customers to choose: from 1F2, 2F4, 4F8,..
Multi-color (white, yellow, cream) and multi-weight (20g, 40g, 90g)
The core of the paper is the component that helps to keep the tape in place ,Small even if the tape can hold It helps keep its shape during transportation or does not change its shape, dent or dent on strong impact
In terms of uses, paper tape can be used by the buyer for Product packaging or gift packages to go to school and transport to other places to ensure the quality of the packages are intact when reaching the recipient
With a simple structure, it can serve people in many fields such as furniture, product packaging, ...

4. Types of paper tapes


Today,  appears a variety of adhesive tapes on the market, fake and real mixed. Therefore, users may not be able to distinguish the types of paper tape. In order not to be fooled by the sellers, let's find out see the classification of types and characteristics of each type !
The first is a non-glossy / brown paper tape: produced from a young master class and  used for decoration, carpet, paint...
The second is wrinkle-free or wrinkle-free paper tape: this tape is made up of 100% pure kraft paper, has moderate adhesion to the surface, is convenient for removal, this type of tape is used to make stamps, labels, or write notes
The third is a type of absorbent brown paper brown paper tape with thread/not only with extremely high adhesion in the case of water absorption, in the composition containing glass fibers interwoven in the paper layer, used for export. , packing packages

Each type of paper tape will have its own use, suitable for the intended use of each person and each different case. We have a variety of models to choose from. Go to the next part

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