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Currently, PG is no longer a strange profession for many people and especially young people. At any event, program, fair, exhibition, at supermarkets, shops or right on the street, we can easily see PGs working. It can be seen that at present, the PG profession is very developed and attracts many beautiful young women to pursue this profession. Let's find out about PG with Giaiphapdonggoi.net!

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1. What is PG?

PG là gì?
What is PG?

PG stands for Promotion Girl, which is girls with good looks, ideal height from 1m65 or more, beautiful face and good communication ability. They have the task of becoming the face of the brand to advertise products in Events, promotional campaigns, and Marketing for the company.

A PG, also known as an advertising model or brand ambassador, is a person hired to interact directly with potential consumers to increase demand for a product, service, brand or concept. Product knowledge, personality, and presentation are essential to being a successful advertising model.

2. What kind of work does PG usually do?

PG artists will be dressed in gorgeous, beautiful costumes at marketing events promoting their products and standing near the products on display or the services they represent. Create photogenic facial expressions and poses that attract viewers and celebrate products. Therefore, it can be said that PGs are considered as the face of brands.

What kind of work does PG usually do?

There are many views that PG people are just girls with good looks, 3 standard rings, often dressed very fashionable, sexy ... and also only know how to make "mobile vases" and don't know what to do. . But that is also a misconception! In fact, they are braver girls than anyone else, besides wearing gorgeous and sexy costumes, PG people can do a lot of work from marketing staff, product introduction to Photo models and even they also work as a host, a sales consultant when customers ask to buy and need to know specific information about the product and how to use it.

Today, PG's work is extended from large and small event programs to jobs such as running roadshows and sampling.

PGs can be hired to represent a wide variety of products, from different companies in a multitude of industries. This can include beverage companies (alcoholic and non-alcoholic), car companies, electronics, consumer brands, energy drinks, cosmetics, special events, apparel companies and many more. another company.

>> Find out about pp belt products in Binh Duong

3. Qualities to become a PG

Since this is a special job, the selection of PGs is very carefully selected.

Tố chất để trở thành PG

Qualities to become a PG

Once you have a basic understanding of what PG is, you will surely understand a little more about what it takes to become a PG. The first and most important condition for a person to become a PG is the appearance factor. Females must be within a certain age specified by each company, but from 18-25 years old, at least 1m65 tall, with a balanced and standard body, beautiful skin and a lovely, friendly face will be selected by the employer. chosen because you will be the face of the company's product line and brand.

Besides the appearance factor, to become a popular PG, you need to cultivate communication skills such as friendly attitude, soft voice, inspirational, ... and flexible and skillful diplomacy. If you have good foreign language skills, you will be a huge plus in this profession. PG work includes consulting and promoting products, not just modeling, so answering questions, presenting products and communicating with customers is essential. So, these skills will help you reduce pressure while still ensuring high work efficiency.

Responsibility for work. Today's employers often tend to hire PGs with discipline, high sense of responsibility, dynamism, sociability and good teamwork ability.

4. Job opportunities of PG

It is not natural that PG is considered a hot industry among young people and has the highest career opportunities in Vietnam as well as in the world. In Vietnam, many businesses have taken advantage of PG work to increase the efficiency of marketing activities, thereby creating a good impression in the hearts of customers and promoting products in the market.

Cơ hội việc làm của nghề PG

Job opportunities of PG

Because with the development and influence of media power, companies all want their products and services to be accessible to the community in a friendly manner and can leave the most impressions. To do so, PG is the most suitable choice for them and from there the career development path is more open for the PG industry.

The salaries of the PGs are very attractive and are paid by the hour or by the day after completing the task, sometimes with some bonus and special treatment if

well done. However, the salary of this job is very attractive, it can be said that this is a "light, high-paying" job. Besides, when doing PG, you can practice confidence when standing in front of a crowd. Imagine you're standing in front of a crowd to recommend a product or service to people you don't know at all. After a few times like this, you will become a lot more confident. So this is an ideal job for students.

In addition, with the flexibility of time, you can completely choose PG career as a side job in your spare time to earn extra income. This job is also not confined to an office with fixed colleagues, so the office pressure is significantly reduced. In addition, after a period of working as a PG, you will accumulate very good communication skills and rich life experience, improvise flexibly in all situations and behave wisely in front of all customers.

To find PG jobs today, you can directly refer to PG recruitment websites, or join job groups on social networking sites like Facebook to find PG jobs that are suitable for the time and conditions. his case.

5. Difficulties of the Buddhist profession

In fact, there are no easy jobs, but there are also no difficult jobs. At first hearing, you may think that PG is very leisurely as long as you have good looks. However, to be able to become a professional, high-income PG (Promotion Girl), the girls must have a sense of responsibility at work and always listen and learn constantly. Besides, there are difficulties of PG profession such as:

Những khó khăn của nghề PG

Difficulties of PG

Seasonal work: Due to the nature of the job as the representative of the brand image at events, the PG job is highly seasonal. In the hot time, when the chain of events in the company's marketing campaign is held consecutively, running the show is inevitable. This easily leads to stress, fatigue when working continuously and not ensuring work efficiency. However, there are also times when there are no shows so they are forced to find other jobs to make a living.
Feeling tired: You have to smile all the time no matter how tired you are. With feet in high heels, you have to walk continuously or the program lasts for hours, it is a torture if you are not in good shape and lack exercise, but still you must always smile when Photography, advertising or filming,...
Prejudice from people around: There are many people who have an unfriendly and misleading view of PG. In fact, it is also due to some parts of PG being manipulated by bad customers, acting rudely, and not being able to control themselves before material temptations, so they create such prejudices in society. This also poses a big challenge for true PG practitioners. They have to make the atmosphere happy, nice, create the best conditions for the company's business activities, but still keep themselves and protect themselves without being taken advantage of and manipulated. illegal acts. If they do not do well, they can be deducted from their salary, even fired when they do not satisfy customers.
Salary problems: PGs often have salary problems when encountering contracts that are "contracted" orally, by phone, by email or through intermediaries without any contract or legal documents between them. both sides. At first, they promised to pay very high salaries, but when they ended, they were pinched, mutilated, even "wrong salary". Therefore, when starting a product introduction program, you should ask the employer to have solid employment contracts.
Above is our full answer to the question “What is PG?”. Through this article, we hope to help you have the right view of the PG profession, help you understand more about what the PG profession is, who they are and what they do. Good luck!

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