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A proposal has many different purposes, but the only good way to write a proposal is to summarize all the information in a concise and persuasive way and help you achieve what you want no matter what. it's a brand new software system or just an adjustment to your marketing strategy. Let's join Giaiphapdonggoi.net to learn about what Proposal is? Share how to write persuasive Proposal!

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1. What is Proposal?

Proposal là gì?
What is Proposal?

A proposal is a document that facilitates a professional relationship between an organization and external contributors. Typically, the project proposal is the initial framework for establishing the concept of the project and includes what you want to accomplish, an explanation of the goals, and a plan to achieve them. Typically, a project proposal includes a list of activities or tasks that will be associated with the project, illustrating the importance of this particular project idea, and explaining the origin of this project.

A proposal is also a marketing document that kicks out a relationship between an organization and external project stakeholders. Creating a proposal allows an organization to establish a formal, streamlined presentation with external staff or project sponsors. The proposal is usually drafted in one of the early stages of your project (before detailed planning and resources are allocated). As a result, timing and budgeting are often sketchy, at best.

2. Why are Proposals important?

Tại sao các Proposal lại quan trọng?
Why are Proposals important?

Any project you are not qualified or authorized to start without the approval of your superiors, you need to submit a proposal. That problem could be anything from:

Process improvement
Cut the cost
A new marketing strategy
If it's an idea you need permission to implement or to initiate action, it needs a proposal.

Proposals are a way to present your ideas and requirements, so it is important for supervisors that they can get the information in writing and can act upon knowing the full implications of the offer. their decision.

They are also your opportunity to make a structured, logical argument and put everything in place in favor of your idea. A well-written proposal shows your manager that you care about the cause and that it's not just a whim in the middle of a meeting that you uttered.

3. How to write a proposal

As you can see, a proposal typically includes:

Introduction: A brief overview of the problem, solution, costs and benefits.
Problem: The main definition of the problem, including the topic, purpose, main argument, background information, and importance.
Solution: The key definition of the solution, including your step-by-step plan, benefits, and how to overcome potential obstacles.
Professional qualifications: Overview of required personnel, experience.
Concluding costs and benefits, and closing: Balance costs with benefits, reinforcing your point one last time.

Cách viết proposal
How to write a proposal

Here is the general structure of a proposal:

Identify and define your audience: As with any form of persuasion, it helps if you understand how to engage your audience. Who will read your proposal and decide if it is accepted or rejected? What do they care about? What kind of languages and interests will resonate with them? This is the first step because it's the important thing to keep in mind as you go on, and the information that tells how you write from here on out.
Identify the problem your proposal will solve: Who: Who will the proposal affect? What: What made you write the proposal in the first place? Explain the current situation and the problems that come with it.
Identify the solution: How: How would you solve the problem? Detailed step-by-step explanation. Who: Identify the people you need, along with their previous experience, to add credibility to the proposal.
Conclusion: costs, benefits, and ends: Repeat: Purpose and main argument. Cost: Break down the expected costs involved for the various elements of the project. Benefits: Break down the benefits to the organization, monetary and non-monetary, to convince the reader that there will be a return on investment. Acknowledgments: Thank you to the reader for taking the time. Contact Information: Where can readers contact you? Make sure it's crystal clear so details can be easily spotted.
Final steps before submitting proposal

Writing is clearly your best friend when you're trying to write persuasively. For that reason, there are several checks that must be run before you submit your proposal.

Remember, what is clear to you may not always be clear to others.

Test jargon (then cancel it): Although jargon is common in the business world, not everyone shares the same love for it. Those are terms like the right size, blue sky (verb), turnkey, and synergy. They may or may not be meaningful to you

make you feel smart, but there are simpler alternatives that will help people understand what you mean!
Change passive voice to active voice: Passive voice sounds far-fetched and even deceptive, and since the reader may even just skim your suggestion, you don't want to add extra words to obscure his point of view.
Reread suggestions: Install a tool like Grammarly and check the suggestions in an online text editor. Grammarly will manage to spot any grammatical errors and sometimes even flag stylistically poor phrases. Poor spelling and grammar will only detract from what you are saying and can be an issue leading to your proposal being rejected.
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4. Common Types of Business Proposals

Các loại đề xuất kinh doanh phổ biến
Common Types of Business Proposals

Internal Proposal: An internal proposal or justification report prepared for readers within the writer's department, department or company and usually short as a memo with the aim of solving an immediate problem. then.
External Proposals: On the other hand, external proposals are designed to show how one organization can meet the needs of another. They can be solicited, meaning in response to a request, or unsolicited, meaning without any guarantee that the proposal will even be considered.
Sales Proposal: A sales proposition, as Philip C. Kolin states in "Writing Success in the Workplace," is the most common external proposition whose purpose is "to sell a brand, product, or service." of your company for a certain fee." Regardless of length, the sales proposal should give a detailed description of the work the proposal writer does and can be used as a marketing tool to entice potential buyers.
Grant Proposal: Ultimately, a grant proposal is a document or an application completed in response to the granting agency's call for proposals. The two main components of a grant proposal are a formal grant application and a detailed report on what activities the grant would support if funded.
With the above sharing that Giaiphapdonggoi.net provides, the article hopes to have brought useful information to help you understand what Proposal is as well as how to present Proposal ideas effectively.

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