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QC is one of the professions that are always “thirst” for highly qualified personnel. However, in Vietnam, this profession is still not widely known. It is not difficult to understand when many people are still wondering "what is QC doing". If you have the desire and interest to learn more about the QC profession, this is the article for you.

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1. What is QC doing?

To make good products, all businesses need quality controllers to ensure that product quality is maintained or improved. A standard product production process is impossible without the absence of QC (Quality Control). QC staff are trained people to inspect and ensure products and tests are up to standard.

Also related to quality control, many people often confuse the role of QA (Quality Assurance) staff with QC staff. Many people, when learning "what is QC doing", easily equate the work of QA and QC as the same, leading to misunderstanding about the QC profession. The simplest way to understand is:

QC staff will check every stage of the production process to meet predetermined quality standards.

QA staff will be the one to build and ensure the standard production process from start to finish.

With today's development, the demand for goods is increasing, people are placing higher requirements on product quality. Products that want to be circulated on the market must go through many stages of testing, must fully meet the set quality criteria. Therefore, without quality control staff, it is difficult to ensure that the production process runs smoothly, and the products made are difficult to achieve high quality.

Qc là làm gì

2. What are the duties of QC staff?

So what is the main task of a QC person in more detail? Basically, QC people will have the following main tasks:

Ensure the best production process: QC people need to analyze, select and filter out errors in the production process. From there, promptly provide solutions to create products with standard output.

Analysis: Finding mistakes is a common role of a QC. They will investigate, make reports and recommend corrections. Therefore, QC staff must always have expertise and solid knowledge, if wrong analysis can affect a whole production process.

Understanding products: A QC staff not only works with workers and production equipment, but also needs to work directly with customers. Therefore, a professional QC must always clearly understand the product and the market's requirements.

Nhiệm vụ của nhân viên QC

3. What are the job positions of QC staff?

Understanding the job positions of QC will help us understand "what QC is to do". Each position is different, each position will take on a separate job:

IQC: This is the person who will control input materials, solve material quality problems during use, work with partners and material suppliers,...

PQC: This is the staff checking the quality of the production process, they are the ones who monitor the working process of workers, work directly with customers,...

OQC: This is the position responsible for evaluating product quality, collecting defective products and requesting repairs,...

Những tố chất của một người làm qc

4. What are the qualities a QC person should have?

QC is an indispensable position in enterprises doing business in all fields. With important roles and responsibilities, choosing a "high-quality" QC is always what businesses seek. So what qualities do you need to become a QC person?

Calm before any problems: The production process will always encounter many problems, so you need to stay calm and alert to promptly handle problems and provide the best solution.

Always be patient: QC staff will face great pressure from arising problems, workers, bosses, customers will make QC. Patience will help you cope with all pressures and stay in the profession longer.

Good communication: Meeting and working regularly with customers and workers requires QC to have good communication skills. This will help QC easily work and exchange ideas with everyone.

Ability to manage: Management here includes people, time. QC staff need to coordinate, monitor and control all workers' activities, manage time to keep up with the set schedule.

Pressure is common with a professional QC. Practicing these qualities will help QC cope with pressure more easily. Hopefully, this article has provided the most comprehensive picture of the QC profession, helping you get the correct answer to “what is QC doing”.

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