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What is remarketing? Have you ever visited a website, and then the next day, while browsing online, you saw an ad for that very website? Or have you ever visited an online store, added items to your cart, but didn't check out? Then the next day, while browsing online, you see an ad featuring the products you left in your shopping cart?

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1. What is remarketing?

Remarketing, also known as retargeting, is the tactic of serving targeted ads to people who have visited or taken an action on your website. Technically, remarketing is the process of using javascript tags (called pixels) to place cookies in the user's browser. The cookie then informs the remarketing platform to serve specific display ads through the ad exchange, based on the pages or products the user has interacted with or searched for on the site. or your application.

What is remarketing?

Remarketing can be used to promote a specific product or service, or to achieve a certain conversion goal, such as lead generation. For example, in eCommerce, remarketing ads can be used to reduce cart abandonment by showing products that users have added to the cart but have left the website without purchasing.

Because you are targeting past visitors or current customers, it is called “remarketing” remarketing. Think of it as a second chance to convert, upsell or retain customers with online campaigns or ads. You can do remarketing in different ways and with different advertising platforms, like Outbrain, Google ads or Facebook ads.

2. Benefits of Remarketing

Remarketing là gì?
Benefits of Remarketing

Take advantage of lost website traffic.
Target people who have visited your website and shown interest in your product.
Target audiences that are more likely to convert.
Pay attention to your brand by strategically displaying ads to interested audiences.
Affordable marketing tactics available across multiple platforms and channels.
Suitable for all industries and verticals.
There are many ad formats, including display ads, search RLSA, dynamic carousels, and more.
For e-commerce - dynamic retargeting allows marketers to serve personalized ads to different users based on the products or services they viewed on your website.
Your website may be driving a lot of traffic, but the reality is that the average conversion rate for first-time visitors is low. According to research on e-commerce websites, the conversion rate is only 2.86 percent. What does that mean? Even though you are getting traffic, you are not getting sales. Remarketing is your best option to take advantage of all the lost traffic.

Targeting people who have shown interest in your business is one of the most effective ways to prompt them to return to your website. Retargeting can be used in all verticals and industries, although it is clearly an important tactic in e-commerce. Check out this success story of a fashion retail and e-commerce chain in Europe that saw a 66% increase in conversion rates by retargeting their customers on the Outbrain network.

Pro Tip: Use remarketing ads to offer special deals that aren't available on first visit to your site, such as coupons, "buy one get one free," or a limited number of deals. other incentives to attract customers.

3. How does remarketing work?

It is not difficult to set up a remarketing campaign for your website. What it asks is pixel settings.

Lợi ích của Remarketing

How does remarketing work?

When you create a campaign with a specific ad network, the network gives you a small piece of code (called a pixel tag) to add to your website. Every time a new user visits your site, the code will drop an anonymous browser cookie and that user will be added to your retargeting list. When the same user visits another website that hosts display ads or native ads from your ad network provider, your ad will be served to this specific user. This will happen as long as you have an active campaign.

Google's discontinuance of third-party cookies will affect marketers' ability to remarket. That is why it is important to advertise on platforms based on data usage

First-party brand that allows tracking. While the transition to a world without a kitchen has been delayed somewhat, it's still important to start planning now for the tools and tactics that will enable you to remarket in the future.

Remarketing hoạt động như thế nào?

What is the Remarketing pixel tag?
Pixel tags are small pieces of code on websites that allow websites to set cookies. Cookies are 'debris' left by website visitors. Each visitor has a unique but anonymous ID, so their website activity can be tracked by their cookie trail. In Remarketing, the ad server can access the visitor's ID and save it in the relevant Remarketing list.

What is a Remarketing List?
A remarketing list is a list of website visitors who take a certain action or on your website. For example, the "Home" Remarketing list includes all visitors to your homepage during a specific time period. When a visitor comes to your homepage, their cookie will be added to the Remarketing list.

Then you can just remarket the list of people who have visited your homepage.

You can create all kinds of remarketing lists and tailor your advertising message to each list.

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4. When to Use Remarketing?

Khi nào nên sử dụng Remarketing?
When to Use Remarketing?

When to Remarket? That's a great question and a difficult one. Some marketers use an “always on” tactic, meaning that they continuously run a remarketing campaign for all users who visit their website but do not convert (i.e. no purchase, form completion, or conversion). download content).

But many marketers choose a more personalized and advanced remarketing method. You can focus your remarketing campaigns according to predefined criteria. For example, you might want to run remarketing campaigns only for visitors to certain pages, such as a specific product page, or only for users who visit your site at a time. specified for the day or year (e.g. during a period special sale). It will really depend on your overall strategy and what you've been up to at a given time.

Pro Tip: With Remarketing, it's really important to avoid 'overkill'. You don't want to risk annoying potential customers by showing them too many ads. Set a limit on how many ads each user can see - no more than two to three ads a day.

Understanding the essence of each remarketing strategy will help you reach your target audience and increase your customer base, which is the solution to reach your target audience, increase conversion rates and improve profit performance. your.

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