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ROI (Return on investment) is a metric used to understand the profitability of an investment. ROI compares how much you paid for an investment with how much you earned to gauge its performance. Let's take a look at how it is used by both individual investors and businesses. Let's find out with Giaiphapdonggoi.net what is ROI? Check out the following post!

1. What is ROI?

ROI là gì?

What is ROI?

When you put money into an investment or a business endeavor, ROI tells you the profit or loss your investment has made. Return on investment is a simple ratio that divides the net profit (or loss) from an investment by its cost. Because it is expressed as a percentage, you can compare the performance or return of different investment options. It is closely related to metrics such as return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE).

2. How to calculate ROI

To calculate return on investment, divide the amount you make on an investment - often called net profit or investment costs minus present value - by the cost of the investment and multiply it by 100. The result will be expressed as a Percent. Here are two ways to represent this formula:

Cách tính ROI

How to calculate ROI

ROI = (Net Profit / Investment Cost) x 100

ROI = (Current Value - Investment Cost / Investment Cost) x 100

For example, let's say you invested $5,000 in company XYZ last year and sold your stock for $5,500 this week. Here's how you would calculate your ROI for this investment:

ROI = ($5,500 - $5,000 / $5,000) x 100

Your return on investment in company XYZ will be 10%. This simple example eliminates capital gains taxes or any fees associated with buying or selling stocks, but a more realistic calculation would factor them into the investment costs.

The percentage figure provided by the calculation is the ROI superpower. Instead of a specific amount, you can take this percentage and compare it with the ROI percentages of other investments across different asset classes or currencies to determine which carries. highest profits.

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3. How to use ROI

ROI can be used by ordinary investors to evaluate their portfolio, or it can be applied to evaluate almost any type of spending.

Cách sử dụng ROI

How to use ROI

For example, a business owner might use ROI to calculate return on advertising costs. If spending $50,000 on advertising generates $750,000 in revenue, the business owner will receive a 1,400% ROI on advertising costs. Similarly, a property owner considering new equipment can look at the ROI from two different renovation options, including cost and potential rent increases, to make the right choice.

Just keep in mind that ROI is only as good as the numbers you include in your calculations, and ROI cannot eliminate risk or uncertainty. When you use ROI to decide on future investments, you still need to take into account the risk that your projections of net returns may be too optimistic or even too pessimistic. And, as with all investments, historical record is no guarantee of future success.

4. What is a good ROI?

ROI tốt là gì?
What is a good ROI?

In common sense, an annual ROI of approximately 7% or greater is considered a good ROI for an investment in stocks. This is also the average annual return of the S&P 500 , taking into account inflation . Because this is an average, some years your income may be higher; some years they may be lower. But overall, performance should be smooth with this interval.

That said, determining the right ROI for your investment strategy requires careful consideration rather than a simple criterion. The S&P 500 may not be a good fit for the level of risk you're willing to accept or the type of asset you're investing in, for example. To calculate a good ROI for you, ask yourself the following questions:

How much risk can I accept?
What happens if I lose the money I invested?
How much return do I need on this investment to accept the prospect of loss?
What else can I do with this money if I don't make this investment?
5. Limitations of ROI
ROI is not without limits. First and foremost, ROI doesn't take into account time. If one investment has an ROI of 20% in 5 years and another has an ROI of 15% in two years, the basic ROI calculation cannot help you determine which investment is best. That's because it doesn't take into account compounding returns over time.

Limitations of ROI

Annual ROI can help avoid this limitation. To calculate the annual ROI, you need to use a bit of algebra. The value n in the index above is key, as it represents the number of years the investment is held.

Annual ROI = {[1 + (Net Profit / Investment Cost)] (1/n) - 1} x 100

If you buy a $35,000 stock portfolio and 5 years after the portfolio

Your investment is worth $41,000, you have earned an annual ROI of 3.22%. The formula will look like this:

Annual ROI = {[1 + (6,000 / 35,000)] (1/5) - 1} x 100 = 3.22%
Accurate ROI calculation depends on factoring in all costs, not merely initial investment costs. Transaction costs, taxes, maintenance costs and other ancillary costs should be included in your calculations

Finally, the calculation of ROI depends on the estimated future value but does not include any kind of assessment of risk which can be an issue for investors. It is easy to be tempted by the high potential ROI. But the calculation itself doesn't give any indication of how likely that profit will be. This means that investors should be cautious.

Key point

ROI is an easy to understand and calculate metric for determining the effectiveness of an investment. This widely used calculation allows you to compare apples between investment options.

But ROI cannot be the only metric that investors use to make their decisions because it doesn't take risk or time into account and it requires an accurate measure of all costs. Using ROI can be a good place to start when evaluating an investment, but don't stop there.

By the end of the article, you must have understood what ROI is, right? In fact, there are many ways to optimize ROI for a strategy. But it is important that you understand the importance of ROI. As well as how to use ROI to evaluate the effectiveness of a business strategy.

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