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Twitch and YouTube have been constantly evolving, opening the door for streamers to build careers around broadcasting their lives and, more importantly, their gaming sessions. The sky is the limit on income; Streamers like Ninja and Shroud earn millions from streaming video games daily to thousands of viewers. So what is a Streamer? How do they make money? Let's find out with Giaiphapdonggoi.net!

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1. What is a Streamer?

Streamer là gì?
What is Streamer?

There are a few different names for streamers - online streamer, internet streamer, live streamer or simply streamer. These are people who stream themselves (or pre-recorded, in some cases) on sites like Twitch and YouTube. There's a wide range of streaming genres from casual game streams, tutorials and tutorials, speed runs and other challenge-based streams, live DJ mixes and music performances, talk shows and Q&A for those who just live to the fullest in the “IRL” section. Basically, there is a space for anyone to do what they care about. Some people make a living from their stream and some just do it as a hobby.

2. Where can you stream?

There are three main platforms when it comes to streaming: Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook. While it's easy enough to cross-stream to multiple platforms at once, it's generally a good idea to invest your energy in a particular platform to reap the benefits it offers. Choosing a platform can be difficult if you don't already have a preference.

Twitch is considered the king of live streaming platforms, reaching 660 billion minutes watched in 2019. YouTube is the easiest channel to start monetizing thanks to its integration with Google AdSense. While Facebook is a smaller platform, streaming on a platform with millions of users can get you noticed.

3. How do they make money?

Almost synonymous with how many viewers or followers a streamer has is the amount of money their stream earns. But how do they actually make money from streaming? The three different platforms work slightly differently but follow a similar principle.

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How do they make money?

Donations are a common part of streaming, working the same way you pay waiters - good deed is rewarded with tips. This amount is paid directly from the viewer to the streamer.
Ad revenue is another way streamers can make money. Ads are usually started by the streamer, like a typical TV commercial when they need to go to the bathroom or eat something. Revenue is calculated at a set price per thousand views, although it is generally believed that this number is not always excessive.
Paid subscriptions bring a significant source of income for streamers. Viewers follow a stream for free and are notified when they start a stream. But there are higher subscription tiers that offer benefits like exclusive access to subscriber-only chats or streams, custom emojis, and ad-free viewing. These fees are paid to the streaming platform, but a significant portion is paid to the streamer.
Finally, sponsorship is also a major factor in making money as a streamer. Brands willing to sponsor equipment and money for live streamers stand out because of the visibility it gives their products. True, a new streamer can't expect to get a sponsorship deal right away, but it's something to look forward to.

4. Which streaming software should I use?

In terms of software, Open Broadcast Software, abbreviated as OBS, is a very popular choice. You can download the original software or a more user-friendly version of Streamlabs OBS, free of charge.

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Which streaming software should I use?

It's a great starting point for those looking to experiment with the idea of streaming, although it's depth of features makes it always a viable option even if you're having trouble streaming. line.

If you're looking for even more variety, XSplit, Wirecast, and Lightstream are other streaming software options to explore. In the end, they all do the same thing, and just pick one and learn how to get the most out of it.

5. What does it take to start streaming?

Streaming requires some specialized equipment, but you can find a lot of what you need to get started on your standard PC.

Cần những gì để bắt đầu phát trực tuyến?

What does it take to start streaming?

Most streamers use a second PC to handle streaming so their primary device doesn't have to strain to

run both games and fairly intensive software. A webcam and microphone are also needed - people will want to see and hear who's playing, although there are cases where you might be able to watch without one or the other. The rest is pretty standard for what you need for general gaming - a PC with full computing power in the motherboard, memory and graphics department, peripherals to help you get started. your player, a chair, headset, and trackpad to keep you comfortable during long sessions, and some customization to bring flair to your setup.

From there, you simply set everything up, including your account on your chosen streaming platform, and then you're ready to go live. It will take some time and dedication to build some momentum, but it can be well worth the effort.

6. How to be a successful streamer

Have a schedule
You can use streaming software like Streamlabs as seen above to create a simple scheduler that lets everyone know when you'll go live next.

Leverage your social media
The early stages of your streaming career can be a bit lonely - everyone has to get started in some way, though. You won't automatically get thousands of subscribers just by clicking “Go Live”, you will need to grind and build a following.

To get started, use all the social media influence you have at your disposal. If you have a large group of friends on any platform, post about it and let them know when and where they can catch you. Sure, you can get a weird uncle involved when you're rolling the ball, but a viewer is a viewer, right?

Social Media is a powerful tool and using it will be the key to your success. Twitch allows you to create clips that are easy to download and share on your social networks. This is a great first step in producing quality content for your various accounts.

You can then use hashtags to find the best results.

How to be a successful streamer

Make friend
Remember when Drake played Fortnite with Ninja? Same idea, just on a smaller scale. Find a friend who is also just starting out and interested in the games you enjoy playing and occasionally streaming together.

Your fans can follow and support their channel and the same way in other ways. All in all, getting more exposure than your circle of influence can provide will always help you build a more successful stream.

Thank you viewers
Make sure that when you get that first donation or subscriber, don't forget to thank the viewers. Even the biggest streamers, who are getting thousands of subscribers every day, thank everyone they can. You should not miss anyone, remember that no one has to pay you a dime.

Be yourself
Your time on camera (assuming you're using the webcam during a live stream, of course) is critical. Your viewers obviously don't want the finesse, but if it shows that you don't really care about what you're doing on the stream, that doesn't give them much incentive to watch.

Not everyone starts making a career out of streaming, but it's still important to take pride in what you do. Your energy is contagious and will help build a stream of success.

Whatever you do, make sure it's something you can sustain on a daily basis, even if you're streaming for less than five viewers.

Outstanding among the crowds
For every streamer you can name, there are bound to be thousands more jostling for views. Take a moment to consider what your “stuff” is – what will make your stream different from others and make people want to watch it. Consider the angle you'll take when building your image so you can stand out and gain attention online.

Take a slow approach to building your setup
A common mistake new streamers make is blowing a lot of money into their streaming set up before building a channel. With so much investment in equipment, it can weigh heavily on your mind and can eventually cause you to give up because you don't see the kind of return on investment you were hoping for.

The solution is to take a more conservative approach, starting with what you have available or finding the most budget-friendly items. Your viewers won't cry if you just stream at 720p instead of 4K when you've only been doing it for a month.

As you begin to build momentum, you might consider upgrading the components of your setup to improve quality and help prolong your streaming enthusiasm.

Keep your stream fresh
A game fan or streamer

It's difficult to watch the entire 4-hour live stream. To make things a little more interesting, participate in challenges or tournaments. It will test you as a gamer in general, but also produce great content to stream, far beyond the sweaty, simple gameplay being streamed on every other channel. Joining any kind of tournament can boost your audience and give you the exposure you need.

Set achievable goals
You can look at the goals streamers have set and feel awe - tens of thousands of subscribers and thousands of donations feels like a lofty goal to achieve. However, like any goal, you just need to break it down into chunks and celebrate your progress.

A good first step is to read up on the various shows or achievements your chosen streaming platform has to offer. Talk about these things on your stream so your viewers know what you're aiming for and can do what they can to help you get there.

Engage your viewers
You'll think it's obvious, but be nice to your followers. Talk to them while you go live, follow the conversation, and respond to questions or comments they make.

It's great to receive thanks online and be recognized as part of a community. Do everything you can to build a community of followers, instead of treating them like sheep that you want to rush to follow what you do.

It's easy to get a big head when you've had a taste of success, but the fans who have been following you since the beginning are equally important throughout your journey to building a successful stream.

Above, Giaiphapdonggoi.net has provided you with information about what is Streamer? If you're looking to become a successful streamer, there's no one right answer. Learning how to be a successful streamer is no definite answer, but if you work hard, deliver quality content, and stick to a schedule, you will attract viewers. The more exposure you have, the better.

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