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What do you think when you hear someone use the word “style”? Whenever the term "style" is used, it usually refers to a person's fashion or physical appearance. But I want to remind you that style is more than just a shoulder-length haircut, a stylish coat, or branded shoes. Let's find out what Style is with Giaiphapdonggoi.net!

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1. What is Style?

Style is something that is unique to everyone. Style is the person's own choice in clothes, accessories and other things. Style is not entirely dependent on clothing; it can be related to anything that makes the person look stylish. From another point of view, style is an extension of fashion as unchanged as fashion.

What is Style?

It's the totality of how you dress, talk, move your body or do anything for that matter. Simply put, it is how we express our inner self to the outside. This includes all of our thoughts, feelings, preferences, and values. Everything on the outside is merely a reflection of what's inside.

2. The parts that make up your complete “Style”

Your Reputation / Brand
Building a great brand or reputation is key in determining how influential you are in any setting. Protect your reputation above everything else, because once it's contaminated, it's very hard to change the way people see you.

At first, people will believe anything about you, then they will keep an eye on you to see if you are real. Then, any information that matches their perception of you will be added to their current picture, any information that does not match will be changed or removed.

Don't get me wrong, this doesn't mean lying or focusing too much on managing people's perception of you from the outside, but whether it's business or relationship building, Make sure your positive things get into the minds of others.

The parts that make up your complete “Style”

Meaningful clothing / fashion
While what you wear won't make up your entire impression, it does make up more than 80% of your first impression. What you wear is what will start the impression you make on others before you even open your mouth. This is where people will filter everything you say and do.

Just because style = expressive doesn't mean you can wear whatever you want while ignoring the message it conveys. There is a “language” spoken through specific types of clothing that you must familiarize yourself with in order to have a positive rather than negative effect.

For example, picture a man in a suit telling you that he runs a multinational corporation and makes billions of dollars. Then picture a man in an ugly, dirty outfit telling you the same thing. Which would you believe more?

Grooming is the part of your external image that people will judge (most of the time subconsciously) to see how well you take care of yourself. People tend to associate how well groomed you are with the level of self-esteem you have.

An example of this would be the guy with the trendy hairstyle, without any hair and completely neat, asking the guy to cut his hair a few weeks past its due. The other man not only looks more important and social, but also carries an image of more confidence and power.

We look at women the same way, when we compare a woman with smooth straight hair to a woman with messy hair who looks to need a good conditioner and wash. I don't look down on anyone, but judgment is being made every day from every person consciously or not. Our brains are wired to understand everything around us through our senses, to calculate whether everything is healthy or unhealthy, beneficial or harmful, etc.

Your lifestyle and values
The way we live depends on our values. If we value adventure, we may prefer activities that have a high level of risk and fear such as skydiving, bungee jumping, or riding a roller coaster. On the other hand, if we value security, we may be reluctant to carry out such activities.

In the past, when I first started my style journey, I thought that people weren't smart enough to find out who I really am if I just worked hard to control their perception of their child. my people.

Don't underestimate other people's ability to feel, if you're trying to be someone who isn't like you, people will soon see it. Even through a small act involving something unimportant, such as you holding the door for someone or the way you treat a child, can tell someone more about you than an autobiography. written down. Yes

Things that we cannot think to manage will make an impression on those around us.

This is why it is important to focus on who you are on the inside just as much as you do on the outside. This is what “style” really is.

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3. Some action steps to take to achieve the best style

Some action steps to take to achieve the best style

Here are a few things you can do to put yourself on the path to your best style:

Create a folder of your own and collect all your existing pictures. Also, if you have a camcorder, film yourself and keep this file. This will give you a lot of self-awareness, which is the first step towards lasting change. Do you remember the last time you watched yourself on camera? Have you ever been surprised by your voice? The way you talk? Your facial expressions? Your poor posture? The best way to start improving your style is to get an outside look.
Send the photos you've collected to your friends and have some friends send you some notes on what they would think of this guy if they didn't know him. Do they think he succeeded? Clever? Attractive? If you think you can pretend to be someone else, when you see this guy for the first time, write down everything you would say about this guy.
Check the notes you have, do they match what you want to convey? Now that you're aware of where you stand, decide where you're going. What kind of person do you want to be? Write down how you want the world to understand you. Start by surrounding yourself with people who have the values and traits you want for yourself, and model them. It is imperative that you choose the people around you carefully, because you will begin to become like them. The people around us on a consistent basis influence our thoughts, values, habits, and behaviors. The good news is that the people you surround yourself with don't necessarily live directly or be next to you. They can be there through books, videos, etc. So model your favorite celebrities, extract ads from fashion magazines or through people you love.
Get a coach. The coach will pinpoint your exact location and help you make an exact plan for where you want to go. Whatever the purpose (sports, fashion, body building), a coach will save you a lot of time figuring things out on your own.
Style development goes hand in hand with personal development. Your true self is close to how the world perceives you. But personal development is for yourself, while style development is what will help you become more effective in dealing with others. Learn more and develop your prowess in fashion, attractive body language and social skills, which will lead to a more fulfilling relationship with friends, colleagues and the opposite sex.

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