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There is an old saying that "learn to eat, learn to speak, learn to open" just like the meaning of that saying when in the process of communication we must know how to convey to the listener, creating crowd effect from the beginning. So do you know what crowd effect is? How to create crowd effect?

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1. What is the crowd effect?

Is one of the factors that directly affect the psychology, judgment and purchase decision of people.

Is the most effective marketing tool, has the strongest reach at the lowest cost.

Hiệu ứng đám đông là gì?

What is the crowd effect?

Being a marketing tool plays a vital role in the success of most of the most successful businesses in the world.

Is the most optimal and effective marketing tool in the field of food business.

The crowd effect can be understood as a person's thoughts or behavior that is often influenced by other people. People often run after what the crowd thinks is good, right, and wise, but they themselves don't think about the meaning of things.

2. What makes a crowd, for the crowd effect to form?

From this angle, we will examine the article titled "Social Collective Behavior: How Following the Crowd is Good for Us". As human beings, we are sometimes emotional and influenced by the prevailing opinions of the masses. As the article points out, there are direct and personal benefits that we can gain if we follow the crowd. Such personal and beneficial information follows a cascade of information and spreads rapidly like a contagion.

As mentioned earlier, it is essential to understand the dynamics of the collective behavior of crowds. Researchers are still arguing that any group behavior is the collective behavior of crowds and, therefore, there is no need for a separate study for such crowd behavior. This leads us to ask what the crowd was like then. A crowd is just any group of people.

Điều gì tạo nên một đám đông, để các hiệu ứng đám đông hình thành?

What makes a crowd, for crowd effects to form?

There are crowds gathering for religious movements, celebrations and office workers gathering outside their buildings. The people who make up these crowds bring in their own personal characteristics unique to the group. They follow a certain pattern. They all behave according to some established cultural norms and structures. For example, crowds participating in celebrations, social movements and contests established the procedures and nuances of cultural background and as such, understanding crowd effects and behavior the collective of such gatherings and groups may not add value.

For us to understand collective crowd behavior, in the context of the crowd effect, crowds should not have clearly defined cultural guidelines or be organized with established processes. . Crowds should form randomly, like during an event or an incident. For example, a crowd that forms randomly on the road, to watch a construction site, or even a crowd that forms when there is an accident on the road.

3. The crowd has a mind of their own

Many theorists have shown that crowds have a mind of their own. One popular theory among others is the “Group Thinking Theory”. Individuals exist separately but function as a group. Their thought processes are stimulated by each other's feelings and intentions. In other words, individuals are mutually motivated.

The explanation is that the human mind, is acting towards a common purpose, and individuals are cooperating towards a common goal. We have seen such behavior in the animal kingdom. Animals that move together in a herd exhibit such behavior. However, understanding the crowd effect and collective behavior is a complex phenomenon.

4. Crowd Effect in Marketing

In the marketing industry, applying the crowd effect to achieve sales is not uncommon.

Hiệu ứng đám đông trong Marketing

The Crowd Effect in Marketing

In fact, when the new shop opens, if possible, will mobilize relatives, friends, ... or hire, hire people to sit at their shop for "seems crowded", these people are often called "birds". hunt".
When customers look at crowded restaurants and pubs, they often develop a belief in themselves, thinking that "it's crowded, so it must be delicious" will motivate the desire to try eating at these eateries. This is a fairly basic application of the crowd effect in marketing.
In the age of digital advertising, the application of the crowd effect to marketing has created the concept of "seeder". “Seeders” can be understood as “birds of prey” online, increasing interaction for marketing articles on social networks or websites by leaving positive interactions, comments, users when evaluating.

product. interact and read reviews will be convinced to buy the product or service.

5. Collective mob behavior on social media

People in a crowd are sometimes emotional and easily swayed to act and speak in a way that is conducive to the common goals of the crowd. There is no rational reason for such behaviour.

People are drawn to the crowd, when there is personally beneficial or directly beneficial information involved.

When in a crowd that has a direct interest and as a result you can obtain, a personal information that is not easily obtained, no good reason will be accepted. Everyone just needs to spread the network and join the crowd. This phenomenon is known as the "information cascade".

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Collective crowd behavior on social media

People will want to align with a crowd and follow the crowd without good reason or limitation. Sometimes even if there is no direct benefit involved. This is information flow at its peak.

We have seen many popular social media tools, which have become famous in just a short time. For example, You Tube, has many good features that attract a large audience to share videos. Having a stream of information and people just going to the site made it hugely popular. Same with Facebook and Twitter.

Another term used in this context is 'Network Effect', where people follow other actions and spread it, when something good and worthwhile happens.

For this reason, it seems that popular social media tools are very powerful and irreplaceable. But then the same mob behavior can be replicated by newcomers, too, if we follow the prevailing opinion and make adjustments accordingly.

It is interesting to note in this scenario, how incentive structures in social media tools can be put to good use to attract crowds and inculcate desired collective behavior among them. In essence, a desired crowd effect. Yes, it is unpredictable, but at least there is a chance to steer it in the right direction in the context of social networks. The right incentive structure can move the crowd in the right direction to bring about lasting change. Incentive structures as outlined above can include both personal information and direct benefits.

It goes without saying that wealth lies in networks. The collective behavior of crowds can stimulate and facilitate everyone in the right direction. Finally, what I want to say is, it is no longer a theory. We are seeing it practically, the crowd effect happening through popular social media tools. It is in our best interest to follow the crowd.

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