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For those who have worked, deadlines are always a great pressure in the working process. Without a reasonable arrangement and organization of work, it is easy to have to run the deadline continuously. No one wants to fall into a situation where they have to meet deadlines every day. So what is the deadline? Let's find out with Giaiphapdonggoi.net!

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1. What is the deadline?

Deadline là gì?
What is the deadline?

“Deadline” is an English word that is a combination of 2 words “dead” (meaning dead, finally) and “line” (meaning line, line, limit). And when you combine these two words together, you get the word "deadline" with the following meanings:

It's time to get something done.
Deadline (submission, payment,...).
Deadline means the deadline to end, used to refer to a specific time to complete a task or assigned work. Any job or project needs a deadline to bind and motivate you to work hard to complete it on schedule. But for many people, the deadline has become an obsession, making them always in a state of hurry to work, avoiding being late.

Currently, deadline is a term that is used and appears often in work. If you have been assigned a specific task and you have a deadline to complete it, the deadline to do that work is the deadline. So, if you see someone saying they are late for a deadline and running a deadline, it means that they need to quickly complete the work within the assigned deadline.

The application of deadlines at work also motivates employees, or students to some extent, they need to have a specific and scientific plan for their work if they do not want to be late for the deadline. Completing the work ahead of time also shows the working capacity, professionalism and working style of a person before the assigned task.

2. The importance of deadlines at work

First: Help you get the job done efficiently

In fact, each person, each employee when working has different ways of working and sometimes that difference can affect the progress and quality of completing projects. A small number of employees can set their own deadlines and break down tasks into goals for easier management and control. However, it is more common for employees to need timelines.

This is also why managers need to set deadlines to ensure that the set work goals can be accomplished quickly and efficiently. In addition, deadlines also help you track work effectively, thereby helping the business complete a large project but less stress for team members.

The importance of deadlines at work

Second: Increase the target's center of gravity

One of the first and most important benefits of setting deadlines in the workplace is that it helps you control your energy and enthusiasm for any task. By setting specific goals that need to be completed and deadlines for them will help you focus more on the work that needs to be done.

Deadline directly affects your working time, thereby forcing you to plan your tasks in order of priority, what to do first, what can be done later and still ensure completion. on time. Thanks to deadlines, we learn to focus on important tasks, less distracted by other “mustache” issues. And conversely, if there is no deadline, most of us tend to get sucked into "whiskers" events, which not only prolong the time to complete the work, but also reduce the quality and efficiency. job. shoot.

Third: Quickly detect mistakes at work

Reality shows that when your employees work on schedule, complete the work on time, you will have more time to be able to detect errors that are arising or at risk of arising and tweak it before the project is officially completed. This will help you a lot, instead of finding out what went wrong after completing the whole project and having to start over from scratch.

Fourth: Allowing you to accept small failures

Whatever we do, we all want the best results. This is not a bad thing as it can help you overcome some current personal and professional limitations. However, sometimes the desire to be perfect can also become a major barrier that makes it difficult for you to progress and achieve high performance at work.

And when you're working with a tight deadline, you're forced to work to meet that deadline and continually adjust your results.

Fifth: Help you be more successful at work

The ability to complete tasks on time is a reliable metric to measure your performance. And even in everyday life, setting personal deadlines is an important indicator of your success. According to Brian Tracy, a Canadian-American author and expert

For training and personal development, setting scientific deadlines is 11.5 times more likely to increase the likelihood of success.

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3. Don't wait until the deadline to "run"

 Đừng để deadline đến hạn chót rồi mới "chạy"
Don't let the deadline come to an end and then "run"

Being late to the deadline, "crossing your neck" running to complete the work on time are situations that many people often encounter. So how to ensure that the deadline is met without having to work “overloaded”?

Write deadlines on paper: Write deadlines on a schedule or on pieces of paper and place them in a visible location, this will help you remember what you need to do, avoid forgetting the deadline. For those who have too many deadlines, it is possible to arrange in order of deadlines to do first.
Consider the feasibility of the deadline: Setting a deadline is necessary for you to have a plan and work motivation, but before setting a deadline, you need to consider its feasibility. Deadline is too urgent while the work backlog is too much, many deadlines at the same time ... will make you fall into a state of stress because of work, leading to the possibility of being late to the deadline is very high. Negotiate with superiors and customers to agree on a most feasible deadline. You can also set deadlines 1 hour or 1 day later than you can actually finish, just in case situations arise.
Speed up job processing: Shortening the time to complete work to the maximum will speed up your work.
Above is some basic information about deadlines, hopefully through here you can better understand what deadlines are. It can be said that deadlines are the most scientific tools to help manage work, thereby ensuring projects are completed on schedule. Therefore, any task or project that wants to be completed effectively needs a deadline.

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