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Ratio is a concept that is quite familiar to students when they hear about each important exam. With the number of contestants skyrocketing, the match rate is also increasing. However, what is the odds? The answer is very few people can give exactly. Answer those questions in the article below!

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1. What is the odds?

Odds - understand the number of people that you have to beat in any early game or exam to grab the top spot or something the best. The competition ratio is also understood as the total number of candidates applying to the school over the total number of enrollment quotas that the school has given. Do you know how many contestants you have to face to win a place or an award?


What is the match ratio?

The fighting ratio is not too important, but we should also pay attention to it to know we know, prepare well to fight with other opponents. But how does the odds affect us and how do we deal with it? Find out in the section below

2. What is the effect of the odds on the results?

Many questions arise as to whether the match ratio has any effect on the results or the psychological well-being of the contestants? No where! The odds are merely a number that gives a prediction of the total number of students registered for the exam knowing how many of them you have to compete against. However, this number is not entirely accurate. For example, the odds of getting into NT University is 1/70, which means that you have to find a way to surpass 70 others to get a place in NT University.


The effects of match ratio on results

We can't change others, but at least through the ratio we know where our capacity and position are to strive and try harder. Seizing the opportunity helps you to improve your chances of passing.

3. How to calculate the ratio?

In fact, it can also be difficult to know the ratio, but before each exam, it is advisable to calculate the ratio to map out the situations and the smartest path, increasing your chances of getting into your own university. me. Specifically, the match ratio is calculated as follows:

Ratio = Total number of candidates registered for the exam / number of enrollment quotas of the school

The number helps you to know the number of people assuming you put yourself in it, you have to fight to overcome the total number of contestants to win that spot. The odds are inversely proportional to your ability to get into the school, the higher the odds, the less chance you will get into the school, the lower the odds, the more likely you are to get into that school. Learning more about  school benchmarks, criteria and  admission methods plus criteria also helps you to see where your ability is and to try harder.
If you still do not meet the requirements of this school with the lowest standard score of this school, it will be difficult for you to get into the school, so consider the method of applying to the school with the appropriate score for your field of study to not give up. lwox any chance!

Above are the sharing about the match ratio. The university gate is coming very close to us, 100% effort to not regret any decision made. If you have any questions that are still unanswered, do not hesitate to contact us via hotline 0911 904 968 for free support!

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