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SKUs are used by stores, catalogs, e-commerce vendors, service providers, warehouses, and product fulfillment centers to track inventory levels. Scannable SKUs and POS systems mean that managers can easily determine which products need to be replenished. When a customer purchases an item at the point of sale (POS), the SKU is scanned and the POS system automatically removes the item from stock and records other data such as the sale price.

1. How to Create an Enterprise SKU Architecture

How to Create an Enterprise SKU Architecture

Retailers use SKUs to track their inventory and sales, which can provide beneficial analytics data for developing relationships with your suppliers and customers. Remember, though: Every retailer won't track the same thing - so it's important that you test your business's specific needs before creating your SKU architecture. Here are the steps:

1st: Ask yourself about the size of your goods

If it's minimal, you might want to create an architecture that keeps track of the customer type, such as adult, infant, child,... If your stock is larger, you can would like to further break down product characteristics by customer type to provide more detailed product information as follows: type > gender > size.

Second: Make sure the sequence of numbers is unique

If your SKU reflects something such as a manufacturer's SKU, or is duplicated for different products, you may be prevented from accurately tracking your inventory. Here are a few things to remember for your naming style:

Stay between 8 and 12 characters.
Names that begin with a letter.
Never use zero.
Keep the format easy to understand.
Make sure each letter and number has a meaning.
Third: Remember customers

You'll also want to keep in mind what's important to your customers about your merchandise. How often do customers ask you about colors? If so, you'll want to keep the number representing the color at the top of your SKU so you can quickly give your customers the information they want.

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4th: Choose your inventory system

If you use a point of sale system, most will let you create a SKU architecture in it. If you don't have and have a smaller inventory, you can actually create it by hand and on an as-needed basis. Or you can use an online generator like Primaseller or TradeGecko to help with the process.

2. What are SKUs used for?

What are SKUs used for?


SKUs enable retailers to collect data allowing them to conduct analytics to determine product popularity or view seasonal and cyclical sales trends in their various customer segments . This analysis gives them the ability to stock inventory that coincides with trends in consumer behavior.

Inventory management

Inventory management is the core function of the SKU system. With SKUs, retailers can track inventory levels, sales, and flow. They can set inventory levels and timeframes using information gathered from sales, which can act as triggers to start or stop inventory orders. warehouse.

Customer support

Store assistants can scan SKUs to quickly find out what's in stock for consumers who may want an alternative version of the product, generating sales performance and customer satisfaction.

Advertising and marketing

Using SKUs in advertising is a modern t

online retail is competitive and everyone has the right price, SKUs allow your inventory to appear unique and allow you to identify marketing techniques that are generating sales based on receipts product form. Many retailers advertise their SKUs instead of the manufacturer's model number.

Doing so makes it more difficult for consumers to find the exact same model at another store, while also reducing the chance of competitors matching pricing strategies to the same information. It can also help reduce the need for consumers to go to stores to compare prices of items they intend to buy online.

Recommend products

Companies also use these codes to enhance consumer encounters on their online sales platforms. For example, Amazon.com may select items to show as "recommendations" when you shop using SKUs. The company only needs to attach a single SKU, with all its identifiers, to each product. When you look at the blender, the shopping platform may show other blenders similar to the one you are looking at.

Through the above article, Giaiphapdonggoi.net has provided you with the most detailed information about SKU codes. We hope that the knowledge we provide will help you understand more deeply about how to set SKU codes and contribute to making your business more and more successful.

See also related articles:

What is the product SKU? How to create a SKU architecture and what is it used for?
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