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For those who have worked in the logistics industry for a long time, these terms are no longer strange. However, many people may not know about it. Then to answer the questions of most people, let's join Giaiphapdonggoi.net to learn the article below to better understand!

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1. What is the set of export documents?

We can understand this to refer to the documents that need to be prepared to export or import a good or service to another country.


This is a pretty important set of documents to make customs clearance more convenient and easier

2. A set of export documents including ?

Just now we have understood what is an export document. So what kind of documents will a set include? Below, Giaiphapdonggoi.net has listed the types of documents and is divided into 2 parts as follows:

Required documents (this is the part that is required in all exported goods and services)

The first is a commercial contract (sale contract) is an agreement of conditions and binding between the two parties, the seller and the buyer of goods and services, including information such as: information of goods, services, name. seller, buyer's name, contract conditions, time,...etc

The second is the customs declaration: this is the place where the sender lists all the goods and services to be sent so that the authorities can check and confirm that the goods are in accordance with the law. and are eligible to enter other countries.

The third is the package of goods: showing how their goods and services are packed, people can more easily control how many packages, volume and quality?

The fourth is the bill of lading: This is a guarantee that the goods and services are definitely arranged on the ship

The last of this required document, invoice: this is the type of paper given by the exporter to demand money from the buyer for such goods or services according to the terms of the contract.

Ordinary documents (Not required too strict)

The first is a letter of credit: created by the bank at the request of the importer, which can be guaranteed to pay for the export within a certain time agreed in the contract if legal documents are presented.

The second is the insurance document (insurance policy and insurance certificate). This is not really mandatory, many owners who may decide not to buy may also decide to buy

The third is a quarantine certificate: a document to confirm that these goods and services have been safely checked to avoid the spread of diseases across borders.

Finally, the certificate of origin indicates where the origin of goods and services comes from, whether it is really safe or not.

3. The process of having a set of export documents

In order to have a set of export documents, you must go through the following steps: First, you must apply for a permit, then confirm the payment and then prepare the goods for export. After preparing all the goods to be exported, then inspect the exported goods and hire a means of transporting goods and services.

After completing all the above steps, proceed to buy insurance for those goods and services (this is a mandatory requirement). Go to the customs to do the procedures in accordance with the regulations of the staff here. Carry out delivery and payment procedures according to requirements and regulations. In addition, after completing all the above steps, make a complaint if any

>> Above we have provided you with useful information about export documents. Logistics people will definitely need to know this information because it serves a lot for your work later. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us for answers!

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