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TVC is a promotional activity quite common these days. It helps to attract the customers effectively. However, creating a TVC is not simple, requiring creators to invest a large amount of brainpower. In understanding and vision, giaphapdonggoi.net will share ways to create a beautiful and unique TVC.


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1. What is TVC?

TVC is a phrase in English that is Television Commercials. This is a form of advertisement containing image, audio and commercial page content to promote a company's or business' products or brands. TVC is shown by station producers interlaced between certain programs of length. Contents  of TVC has a great influence on the psychology of the majority of users and is now becoming the most popular way of advertising.


The concept of TVC

The showing time of a TVC is shorter than other programs, an average of 3 to 10 minutes is the maximum. However, in that short time, the content that TVC conveys to viewers is always short, concise and concise, with extremely strong transmission. Especially extremely attracting the attention of viewers through beautiful and colorful images.

2. TVC appearance time

The first TVC to appear in this world aired in the US by NBC Television. With the goal of bringing the image of a famous watch brand, TVC quickly became popular and attracted viewers all over the world. Thanks to that, until now, there is no place in the world that is not known about this form of advertising.

3. The important role of a TVC in practice

Logically, TVC develops as it is now because it benefits both manufacturers, businesses and consumers. Specifically, the role of a TVC is as follows:

TVC helps companies put products or things they make so that users know and will buy more of that product. TVC helps advertise the company's services created by manufacturers and businesses closer to customers and consumers.
TVC contributes to creating a beautiful image in the eyes of consumers
TVC opens up a potential competitive market through image promotion through television channels

The practical role of TVC

4. How to make a good TVC

Whether TVC attracts customers or not depends a lot on how you create a TVC, ie the quality of a TVC matches the needs of consumers wanting and looking for in the product. product or not, here are some steps in the standard process to create a TVC:

Step 1: Collect all customer data, also known as conducting a customer demand survey
Step 2: Compose ideas, write all stages and forms for TVC
Step 3: Write content for the TVC that needs to be filmed
Step 4: Make a plan and script that is attractive in terms of content and images
Step 5: Choose the right cast
Step 6: Conduct pre- and post-rendering activities
Step 7: Give the final result to hand over to the customer

5. Factors determining the success or failure of TVC

Promotional message makes a strong impression on viewers at first sight
What customers care about in addition to the appearance is also what you convey to them. Products or what sellers offer that are completely matched with the needs of consumers at that time will be noticed by them more than ever. TVC must create with product-appropriate content
Predefined objects and what we want to aim for
Each product line of the business is aimed at a certain audience, so it can be said that depending on each certain audience, we create appropriate advertising forms and content. For example, when advertising to an audience that is aimed at children, it is necessary to have images, music and content appropriate to their age, avoiding the use of sensitive images and sounds at the wrong age.

yeu-to-quyet-dinh --TVC

Create closeness and friendliness with viewers
Friendly is always a criterion to help marketing departments get closer to consumers. Consumers always prefer things that make them feel comfortable and comfortable instead of watching a confusing advertising program.

Information must be accurate and truthful
Of course, every information you advertise in TVC must be given accurately and true to the actual product. If you give false information, consumers can sue you for providing false information, which is not consistent with product content.

Diversity in TVC advertising
Advertising topics should not be confined to a certain framework, but need creativity and innovation. Focusing brain on creating new, richer, more attractive forms of advertising is a task of marketers to strive for.


Factors that make TVC beautiful

Creating a TVC is extremely simple once you have finished reading this article. Please focus your gray matter to create true values for your products! TVC plays an extremely important role 

indifferent in the company's brand advertising campaign. If you still have any questions, please contact us via hotline: 0911 904 968 for a free consultation from our experts!

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