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Workshop is one of the media events that many people participate and respond to. When it comes to workshops, people often think of sharing sessions about a new topic, attracting the attention of many people. So what is a workshop? And related content about the workshop. Let's find out about this with Giaiphapdonggoi.net!

1. What is Workshop?
There can be as many answers to this question as there are workshops and panelists, but in general, the workshop is a short, single educational program (although short can mean as long as 45 minutes). up to two days) is designed to teach or introduce participants to practical skills, techniques or ideas that they can then use in their work or daily lives. Most workshops have a few things in common:

What is a Workshop?

Overall, they are small in size, typically 6 to 15 participants, allowing for individual attention and a chance to be heard.
They are usually designed for people who are working together or working in the same field.
They are conducted by people who have practical experience on the subject under discussion.
The participants are active, both in that they influence the direction of the workshop and also in that they have the opportunity to practice the techniques, skills, etc. being discussed.
They are time-limited, usually for a single session, although some may include multiple sessions over a period of time (e.g. once a week for four weeks, or two all-day sessions on weekends) .
While a workshop may end with handouts and suggestions for further reading or study for those interested, in general a presentation is meant to be, unlike a course, which depends on rely on large amounts of reading and other projects (papers, presentations) in addition to classroom activities.
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2. Steps to conduct a workshop (workshop)
Even if you've never done it before, you can conduct a good workshop by paying attention to all stages of the process. There are three stages to conducting a workshop: planning, preparation, and implementation (actually doing). Also, once you're done, it's important to follow up with the participants to get feedback on the workshop, so you can improve it next time. We will look at each of these stages separately.

Steps to conduct a workshop (workshop)

Step 1: Make a plan

Once you know what your topic will be, planning the workshop means figuring out what you want to do to guide the participants through the experience and what you hope they will learn from it. To do that, you must consider several factors:


Consider your topic: The first factor when planning a workshop is knowing what you are talking about. No matter how interactive and participatory your workshop is, you still have to master what you're presenting. Research the topic thoroughly so that you are confident that you can deal with most questions and problems that may arise. But that doesn't mean you have to know the topic completely, but you have to understand it well so that you can help your participants fit into their own work and life contexts.
Consider your audience: The people who will actually be part of the workshop, is perhaps the most important piece of the puzzle here. Understanding them and their needs will help you decide what to do and how to do it more than anything else. For example: what do they already know, what their field is, do they know each other and/or work together, they will come with a particular attitude towards the workshop, they attend this workshop Under what circumstances…
Consider size: If the group is the ideal size for most purposes (around 8-12), you can arrange activities that involve participants as individuals, in small groups (2-4) and the whole group. If the group is larger than about 15, you may want to split the group up to do more activities. If it's less than 7 or 8, you should have the whole team work together for most of the workshop.
Consider availability: Workshops can run from as little as an hour or as much as a day or even longer. It is important that your goals for the workshop match the time available. This means not only planning your presentation to fill your time appropriately, but also matching the amount of material you'll be presenting with the time available. Especially if all is new to the participants, they will need a lot of time to clarify, ask questions, etc. to understand it.
Variable Activities: This type of workshop is too long (two or three consecutive hours) enough for participants to feel bored or overwhelmed. Breaking up time by engaging people in several different types of activities is much more beneficial to their learning than falling in love.

Ask them to sit still and do one thing the whole time. Alternating fun or humorous activities and ideas with others that are more serious can not only keep participants alert and steady, but can also aid learning.
Plan breaks: This will address the issue of getting attention and allow participants a chance to drink coffee, go to the bathroom, etc. But it should be noted that break times TB will take longer than expected. For another five or ten minutes you can be sure that by the time everyone is back in the room and settled in their seats.
Participants need time to chat and connect with each other: The opportunity to get to know others and exchange ideas is one of the main values of the workshop for many people and should not be exchanged.
Consider the purpose of the workshop. Workshops are organized for a variety of purposes, and each purpose includes specific methods of presentation and other details.
Consider your presentation: Your presentation style both your personal style and the actual presentation methods you use will greatly determine the effectiveness of the workshop.
Step 2: Prepare

Now that your planning is done, you need to prepare for the workshop. In terms of logistics, make sure you have the practical stuff and the time it takes to make the workshop a success. That means both putting together whatever material you're going to use and getting whatever information is needed for you to do the best job possible.

Preparing for the conference

Find out about the space you will use: If the space is your own, you can choose the most suitable room or location and arrange it in advance. If you are being assigned space in another facility, you can request a specific type or size of room or can arrange it in a certain way.
Bring everything you need: Don't assume any of it will be there unless you've specifically arranged for it.
Arrange in advance for any equipment you need (projector, VCR and monitor, computer, etc.) or bring your own. Get organized well in advance (in writing as well as verbally, if possible) and check a day or two before the conference to see that everything is in order.
Make materials and handouts as engaging and interesting as possible so that participants will come back to them.
Create an evaluation form that people can fill out quickly at the end of the workshop, but include the areas you really want to know about. The criterion is a multiple choice form that asks participants to rate each area from 1 to 5, or to check off one of 5 options ranging from "strongly agree" to "strongly disagree".
Finally, get a good night's sleep the night before and allow yourself plenty of time to get where you're going, so you don't feel rushed and exhausted.
Step 3: Implement

Conduct seminar

Planning and preparation done. You are extremely organized; you have all of your handouts color-coded and arranged in the order you want them to be distributed; you plan activities down to Monday, with plenty of extra activities if they don't fill the time completely; you have arranged the room so that it will welcome the participants and work on the activities you have planned. Now all you have to do is actually pull it out.

A workshop, especially a longer one, has different phases. Include an introduction, including the time from when the first participant enters the room to when the first topic-related activity begins; the content of the workshop includes presentations and activities; and closing involves reviewing, reflecting, evaluating and closing. We'll discuss each of these, with some ideas on how to make them go smoothly.

Above is some information about Workshop (workshop) provided by Giaiphapdonggoi.net. Hope this information will help you and also help you to conduct a complete workshop. Good luck!

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